Thursday, May 14, 2020

Sexual Partner Violence And Black American Women Essay

POTENTIAL HEALTH FACTORS RELATED TO INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE AND BLACK AMERICAN WOMEN Arshida Moore 12/11/2016 PADM 6130 Research Methods INTRODUCTION In the United States, Black American women are physically battered and often die from Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) at increasingly disparate rates in comparison to that of White American women. When compared to their White American counterparts, Black American women unswervingly conveyed higher rates of violence by their intimate partner (West, 2004). Intimate partner violence and proximate lethal intimate partner violence are the key causes of untimely death and immobilizing injuries for Black American women (Campbell et al., 2002). There is very little research regarding potential health factors related to intimate partner violence among Black American women. Methods for improving the quality of healthcare available to women who have been victims of IPV have been debated for years, however, the focus area of black women has not garnered much attention. Purpose of Research The purpose of the research is to examine whether Black American women are seeking out and utilizing healthcare after experiencing IPV in addition to examining the potential health factors related to IPV among Black American women. Research shows that a woman is less likely to die from IPV if she seeks healthcare after experiencing and episode of IPV. The review of the literature indicates that some of the healthShow MoreRelatedIntimate Partner And Sexual Violence1555 Words   |  7 PagesNational Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence 2010 survey, will provide statistical information on victims who experienced one or more violent crimes from their husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend. These crimes arrange from stalking, rape, to physical and mental abuse. 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