Thursday, October 3, 2019

Persuasive Letter to Hon Tony Clement Essay Example for Free

Persuasive Letter to Hon Tony Clement Essay Clearly, there are supporters and opposition concerning using human eggs for stem cell research. However, it is my opinion that when the donor does so of their own free will, this should be allowed by law. In fact, with minimal studies results indicate that stem cells are vital in the future cures of many diseases that plague our nation –and the world. Personally, I believe donating human eggs for stem cell research should be as common as giving blood. Women are permitted to donate eggs for in vitro-fertilization; therefore, I feel there is little to no difference in donating for stem cell research. If there is any indication of a difference it is in the number of lives that can be saved through this much needed research. Furthermore, there are no increased health risks poses to women who donate eggs, according to a report commissioned by the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (Medical News Today, 2007). The Bedford Stem Cell Research Foundation has made available a large amount of information on the social, political and medical aspects of donation and research. However, when reviewing this information, I find the opposition most often base claims against stem cell research on the interference of egg use for other research needs (Romney, 2006). If more people would educate themselves on the positives of stem cell research, they would clearly see that egg donation is a gift. It is a gift that works in much the same way as organ or blood donation. In concluding, I ask that you think of those who are watching their loved ones suffer from ailments such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. Imagine the differences such advancements can make in the lives of so many who would otherwise be facing turmoil and the end of their days. Is it not worth it to allow women to give freely of themselves to save the lives of others?

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