Friday, February 21, 2020

ZAPPOS another successful venture of AMAZON.COM Essay

ZAPPOS another successful venture of AMAZON.COM - Essay Example ..the paramount concern †¦.as banks, food manufacturers and government officials suffer from losing people’s trust† (Need, n.d.). The benefit and success in business go hand in hand with trust. None of the businesses in the entire world would ever wish to run losses in the market however crowded it may seems to be. To be successful, business would want consumers to buy and try more and comfortably pay for the goods and services. This is where brand trust comes in. Defining brand trust remains challenging as any retailers would prefer its definition left to the consumers’ view of their products and services (Weinberg, 2009). However, my ideas seem to differ from that: it is the responsibility of the business to build trustworthy relationship with the consumers. A good example of brand trust can be taken from the printing industry. If you buy a printing machine allegedly printing one thousand copies in one minute, yet in reality it can only produce one hundred copies in one minute, then there is no trust towards the producers of the machine. The above example introduces another important factor in brand trust, which is honesty and clarity. Honesty and clarity are very much essential in building brand trust. According to the study conducted in 2010 by the Reader’s Digest European Trusted Brands, 13% of consumers trust advertising and 32% of consumers trust international companies. However, according to Nielsen Global Online Consumer Survey, 48% of consumers trust their work colleagues, friends and neighbors, 90% of consumers, trust recommendations from friends while 70% trust opinion posted online (Grimes, 2012). A question then may arise: do many clients understand key factors required to build trust? Perhaps we can say they do or they do not; it depends on the kind of scenario presented before the consumer. The only reality you can bank on is that every client wants to build trust. But how can we achieve trust for products and ser vices? This is a question many entrepreneurs and marketing officers attempt to answer on a daily basis. Just like people build trust in relationships, the same way clients build trust for brands and business. This is achieved through trust drivers as illustrated below. Factors influencing the effects of online Trust The steady growth of the Internet has in the recent past promoted e-commerce to a great extent. The Internet is now an essential part of a multichannel strategy for firms. In order to create a long term relationship guided by trust, companies are required to build on customer trust (Bhusry, 2005). This is very necessary in the world of e-commerce because consumers depend on the Internet for extraction of useful information and purchasing of products/services offered. Successful e-commerce requires a wide evaluation and understanding of how brand trust is achieved and the effects it has on consumer behavior (Epstein, 2004). In the case of Zappos e-business, quite a number of trust drivers come into plays. We must note that the web site design is also a very important part of e-commerce, and thus very essential factor in building trust. In addition, the web site design strategies of different web sites classification emphasize different characteristics like navigation, privacy and advice that are very crucial in building trust (Weinberg, 2009). Quite a number of factors may affect online trust of Zappos e-business, namely, risk of information, price of the product/service on the web site, financial risk and the navigation ability of the web site. The above factors can be broken down into details as follows: (a) Risk of Information. The risk of

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Modernity and Tradition in Asia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Modernity and Tradition in Asia - Essay Example Modern history discusses the historical timeline after the middle Ages. It has two stages which include; early modern and the late modern periods. Contemporary history tells more about the period of historic events that are immediately applicable to the present time. Modern period is a period of important growth in various fields that include; politics, warfare, technology and science, these fields not only dominated the Western Europe and North America but nearly every cultured area on the world. Cultural nationalism is a body that mainly forms the modern political societies within an unsanctioned state authority hence it is a form in which a nation is defined by an inherited culture and it is a strong belief that interests a particular state. Role of cultural nationalism in china Cultural nationalism played some roles in the China community and made it what it is today. The China’s nationalism today (present) was produced by its pride in its history and its century of the humiliation at the hands of the west and the Japan. The Chinese nationalism had a positive impact that came all over during the post WWII era. Role of cultural nationalism in India Nationalism is commonly understood as a political concept hence, it is an ideology that provides source for the national integration, solidity and as well as seeking national independence from the colonial. Cultural nationalism has played a major role in the political reshaping of all the central Europe. During the post-WWII era nationalism emerged as a powerful force. It acted as a suitable system of acquiring economic aid and security declaration. During the post- WWII era nationalism reemerged as a serious factor in improving the worldwide political scene in the post cold war era. Modern Asian Civilizations Civilization is a controversial word that has been used in various connected ways. It is used to refer to the human cultures which are obviously complex in terms of science, technology and division of labor. The civilization advancement is usually and often measured by its progress in long distance trade, agriculture, urbanism and occupational specialization. 1. Japan The Japanese civilization began in approximately A.D. 400 when the Yamato clan who were based in Kyoto gained extreme control of family groups in the Western and Central Japan. In the 700s the Japan was influenced by China, this influence made the Yamato clan to set up a majestic court that was similar to that of the China. The Yamato ruling system contributed largely to the formation of the Japanese culture and its tradition that stated gods of the others s hould be venerated equally hence other people’s gods should be treated and be compared to their own gods (this Japanese tradition stills remains to date) (Matsumoto and Hosaka 1). 2. China China being an East Asian country has a large territory, an ancient history and a huge population. It has written records that date back to 4000 years. China is considered to be an ancient civilization that extends over a large area in the East Asia. China is among one of the four great world’s oldest civilizations and one among the most highly developed societies and economies. Most of the china’