Monday, September 30, 2019

How does Hobbes’ views on our senses influence his overall theory Essay

It is no coincidence that the first part of Thomas Hobbes’ The Leviathan begins with a discussion of the senses—his views on how the human faculties of sight, smell, taste, hearing and feeling form the basis of his theories on humanity and society. Hobbes presents a departure from most of the prevalent beliefs on perception during his time. Thomas Hobbes lived during the 16th to 17th Century, where most of Europe has already undergone the Renaissance. The Renaissance was a rebirth of the culture in Europe, primarily through the re-discovery of the Classical Greek and Roman traditions. Hence, most of the philosophical scholarship during that time centered on the works of the great Greek philosophers like Aristotle and Plato. Hobbes departs from both philosphers in his view on the senses. Plato believed that the world we can perceive through our senses is a fallacy. Our senses cannot be trusted and being â€Å"base† or low faculties–they should be discarded in favor of the faculty of the mind, which would lead to the â€Å"world of ideas. † The world of ideas is the truth and everything else is irrelevant. Notice the schism between the idea and the senses according to Plato. Aristotle, like most students, countered his teacher Plato in his work, Poetics. He believes that the sensory world is the means by which one can achieve the truth. The world of ideas is not some far off place in the mind, but intertwined with the senses. Thomas Hobbes presents something quite revolutionary. He departs from the ideas of Aristotle that truth or knowledge is achieved through the senses. Hobbes has a more scientific approach—the faculties of the sense are merely absorbers of input from an external â€Å"object (10, I. 1). To sense is basically to manufacture a â€Å"fancy (10, I. 1)† or knowledge from the stimulus presented by the object. Thus, the act of sensing is not true at all. Hobbes also deviates from Plato’s idea that the senses are completely detached from the truth or knowledge. Hobbes believes that while the act of sensing or perception creates a manufactured thought, the production of thought is still impossible without the senses. That said, this creates a problem: it seems that the world as perceived by humans is inherently relative and false. The universal truth of Plato and Socrates do not exist in Hobbes world view; even the production of knowledge through the sense yields results subject to the whims or desires of an individual. Hobbes’ theories in The Leviathan basically present structures that serve to create some semblance of order and a notion of truth from the artificial and shifting world that humans perceive. The Commonwealth and the concept of the social contract serve as anchors keeping humanity afloat in the chaotic sea of the sensory world and the passionate self being in constant flux. Hobbes creates the image of a whale—a leviathan—swimming in a chaotic sea as a metaphor for the Commonwealth amidst the turmoil of human desire and perception (7, I). How does the theory of recollection relate to two other concepts in Plato’s dialogues? The theory of recollection in Menos is a very important concept as a basis for Plato’s (and Socrates’) other concepts. This is primarily due to the nature of recollection according to Plato—recollection is equated to gaining knowledge. In fact, to Plato and his teacher, there is no such thing as gaining knowledge. An individual already knows everything he needs to know, coming from a divine source that has given that knowledge to an individual even before birth: â€Å"Socrates: But if he did not acquire the knowledge in this life, then he must have had and learned it at some other time? Menos: Clearly he must. Socrates: Which must have been the time when he was not a man? (22)† The concept of recollection then becomes the basis for one of the most important ideas that Plato presents—that knowledge comes from an outside source that is divine in nature (14). Since all knowledge has been with us prior to our birth, then it stands to reason that it comes from the divine, because it has existed before us. Knowledge being divine also implicates the existence of an immortal soul, which serves as the container of knowledge before it takes a mortal form. Recollection also relates to the concept of self-examination as the purpose of man. Self-examination is the only means of an individual to achieve the divine gift of knowledge and virtue. Again, this is based on Plato’s assumption that one does not learn, but rather remembers. Self-examination is therefore the highest form of gaining knowledge, since it is an attempt to reach the divine gift within. The main tool to be used in this case is rationality or reason. One must always question one’s self to achieve the divine. This concept is a very important one because it places a primacy on reason. While the presence of the divine is still very dominant in Plato’s ideas, the use of reasoning to reach the ultimate good within would make reason an important aspect of later ideas in Western philosophy. Thinkers like Immanuel Kant and even Thomas Hobbes would take the primacy of reason and further place it at the center of Western thought. So much so that at some point, the concept of the divine will be dealt away with and only reason remains. Whose philosphy is better justified: Plato’s or Hobbes’? With both philosphers being part of the Western tradition, is comes as no surprise that the primacy of reason is apparent with both Plato and Hobbes. While Plato’s ideas have influenced almost all his contemporaries in the Western world, Hobbes presents more justified arguments regarding political and social theory than Plato. Plato’s arguments have two major weaknesses. First, Plato makes a big mistake by creating a so-called â€Å"world of ideas,† and immediately labelling it as the ultimate good. While the call for self-examination to achieve a sense of enlightenment prides reason and the intellect, the implied mysticism of an almost unreachable other world of truth detached from reality lacks proofs. How can one prove that ther is indeed a world of ideas, if man cannot perceive it? Worse, how does one know that it is truly good? Plato presents no basis for an axis of morality, but resorts to the simple dichotomy of intellect good, body (sensory faculties) bad. Hobbes starts his premise on more solid argumentative grounds because he takes the divine aside and argues on objective grounds. He would not do away with the divine completely, but reserves concepts related to God for the discussion on the Commonwealth itself. The entire introduction—where important concepts are introduced—remains free of mysticism and theology. Only rationality is employed here. The foundations of Hobbes’ premises begin with an immediate examination of presupposed notions the senses, then the imagination, then speech, etc. Everytime Hobbes introduces a new concept, that new concept is well grounded based on arguments prior. The dialectic mode of arumentation by Plato through Socrates and various individuals often easily fall into assumptions and generalizations. For example, in Plato’s Menos, Socrates uses a dialogue with a boy regarding geometry to prove one of the foundations of his arguments—the illlusion of learning masks recollection (15-20). As stated previously in the second question, recollection would lead to more complex arguments regarding man’s purpose and the nature of knowledge and truth. But is the use of the boy â€Å"recollecting† knowledge well-proven? Socrates offers no other examples of an individual knowing something immediately just through queries to help that individual recollect knowledge that is already there. Also, there is no examination of the role that questions play in the remembering of knowledge. How sure is Socrates that his questions indirectly â€Å"teach† an individual knowledge, rather than just guiding an individual to remember knowledge? Hobbes, in his exploration of memory in â€Å"Of Imagination,† posits that memory â€Å"is decayed sense (11, I. 2). He argues this position well because he not only leaves the mystical divine aside, but also because his arguments for the imagination is based on his objective examination of the senses (from which imagination is derived). The logical inferences are more straightforward in Hobbes The Leviathan. Explain Hobbes’ thinking on the Commonwealth The Commonwealth is a stabilizing structure based on natural laws, and more importantly, on contracts. Based on the chapter â€Å"Of Man† in The Leviathan, there is a fluidity that exists within an individual. An individual is inherently chaotic. The generation of knowledge and the ability of human beings to perceive the world cause this inherent chaos. Individuals are driven by varied desires, and their perception of the world is influenced by the said desires. Therefore, conflicts would erupt between individuals with conflicting desires. Thomas Hobbes accepts the inevitable nature of desires. The Commonwealth is a means to establish order among individuals despite them having many and often conflicting desires. While Hobbes draws influence from the Classical thinkers like Plato and Aristotle, particularly with his concepts on natural law (111, II. 7) which are very similar (but still divergent) to Plato’s view on virtues, Hobbes introduction of the contract is his important contribution to Western social thought. Hobbes establishes a view on morality based on desires, which, as mentioned earlier, is fluid and chaotic. Desires are subject to the whims of every individual. Anything an individual desires is good; anythi ng he does not desire is bad: â€Å"For every man is desirous of what is good for him, and shuns what is evil (7, I. 1)†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This duality is the cause of conflicts, even war. But because of several desires common to all individuals and instituted by the divine, which Hobbes names as Natural Laws (86, I. 14), some desires are quelled so that common desires like Peace, Liberty and Justice can be achieved. Furthermore, other desires that conflict among individuals can be curbed by one individual giving up part of his rights for another individual. If both parties agree to this, again stability is achieved. When many individuals agree to create such contracts so that these same individuals can enjoy their common desires by giving up some of their other desires, the Commonwealth is achieved.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Components of a Decision Support System

(i)Data Management Component. The data management component performs the function of storing and maintaining the information that you want your Decision Support System to use. The data management component, therefore, consists of both the Decision Support System information and the Decision Support System database management system. The information you use in your Decision Support System comes from one or more of three sources: Organizational information: One may want to use virtually any information available in the organization for your Decision Support System. What you use, of course, depends on what you need and whether it is available.You can design your Decision Support System to access this information directly from your company’s database and data warehouse. However, specific information is often copied to the Decision Support System database to save time in searching through the organization’s database and data warehouses. External information: Some decisions r equire input from external sources of information. Various branches of federal government, Dow Jones, Compustat data, and the internet, to mention just a few, can provide additional information for the use with a Decision Support System.Personal information:You can incorporate your own insights and experience your personal information into your Decision Support System. You can design your Decision Support System so that you enter this personal information only as needed, or you can keep the information in a personal database that is accessible by the Decision Support System. (ii)Model Management Component. The model management component consists of both the Decision Support System models and the Decision Support System model management system. A model is a representation of some event, fact, or situation.As it is not always practical, or wise, to experiment with reality, people build models and use them for experimentation. Models can take various forms. Businesses use models to rep resent variables and their relationships. For example, you would use a statistical model called analysis of variance to determine whether newspaper, TV, and billboard advertizing are equally effective in increasing sales. Decision Support Systems help in various decision-making situations by utilizing models that allow you to analyze information in many different ways.The models you use in a Decision Support System depend on the decision you are making and, consequently, the kind of analysis you require. For example, you would use what-if analysis to see what effect the change of one or more variables will have on other variables, or optimization to find the most profitable solution given operating restrictions and limited resources. Spreadsheet software such as excel can be used as a Decision Support System for what-if analysis. The model management system stores and maintains the Decision Support System’s models.Its function of managing models is similar to that of a databa se management system. The model management component can not select the best model for you to use for a particular problem that requires your expertise but it can help you create and manipulate models quickly and easily. (iii)User Interface Management Component. The user interface management component allows you to communicate with the Decision Support System. It consists of the user interface management system. This is the component that allows you to combine your know-how with the storage and processing capabilities of the computer.The user interface is the part of the system you see through it when enter information, commands, and models. This is the only component of the system with which you have direct contract. If you have a Decision Support System with a poorly designed user interface, if it is too rigid or too cumbersome to use, you simply won’t use it no matter what its capabilities. The best user interface uses your terminology and methods and is flexible, consiste nt, simple, and adaptable. For an example of the components of a Decision Support System, let’s onsider the Decision Support System that Land’s End has tens of millions of names in its customer database. It sells a wide range of women’s, men’s, and children’s clothing, as well various household wares. To match the right customer with the catalog, land’s end has identified 20 different specialty target markets. Customers in these target markets receive catalogs of merchandise that they are likely to buy, saving Lands’ End the expense of sending catalogs of all products to all 20 million customers.To predict customer demand, lands’ end needs to continuously monitor buying trends. And to meet that demand, lands’ end must accurately forecast sales levels. To accomplish theses goals, it uses a Decision Support System which performs three tasks: Data management: The Decision Support System stores customer and product informati on. In addition to this organizational information, Lands’ End also needs external information, such as demographic information and industry and style trend information.Model management: The Decision Support System has to have models to analyze the information. The models create new information that decision makers need to plan product lines and inventory levels. For example, Lands’ End uses a statistical model called regression analysis to determine trends in customer buying patterns and forecasting models to predict sales levels. User interface management: A user interface enables Lands’ End decision makers to access information and to specify the models they want to use to create the information they need.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Diagram Common Financial Statements Research Paper

Diagram Common Financial Statements - Research Paper Example Organizing financial statements this way lessens the bias that can arise when analyzing companies of different sizes. It also permits for the analysis of a firm over various times, revealing, for instance, what percentage of the sales is the cost of goods sold and how that particular value has changed with time. For example, a common-size balance sheet will report all of the balance sheet amounts as a percentage of the "Total Assets" amount. If Cash was $80,000 and Total Assets were $1,000,000 then Cash will appear as 8% and Total Assets will appear as 100%. If the Current Assets were to be $3,500,000 they will seem to be 35%. If Current Liabilities were given as $1,800,000 then on the common-size statement show it as 18%. By having all of the balance sheet amounts as a percentage of Total Assets, you can compare your company's current asset percentage (and all other line items) to your industry's percentage or to any other company's percentages. It will not matter if the other firm was smaller or larger than your company, since all totals are in percentages of theTotal Assets. This brings the name "common-size." A common-size income statement will display all of the income statement sums as a percentage of net sales. ... Horizontal analysis is a process in fundamental analysis whereby an analyst associates line items or ratios in a company's fiscal statements over a given period of time. In this process, the analyst will use his preference when selecting a particular timeline; nevertheless, the choice is often centered on the investing time horizon under deliberation. In this scenario, when revenues increase by let’s say 10 percent this quarter, horizontal analysis must have been used. Horizontal analysis can be employed in any item that is in the company’s fiscals. This analysis is crucial in relating the performances of several companies (Bragg, 2007). Horizontal analysis is also used when converting the balance sheets and the available income statements the desired change statements. Horizontal analysis bears a resemblance to vertical analysis in the sense that it also converts financial statements balances into percentages. However, instead of computing financial statement amounts i nto percentages of the total assets, or gross sales, it converts the percentage changing income stamen balances and balance sheet numbers from a given period to the next one (Albrecht, 2009). Horizontal analysis can be carried out on ratios such as price earnings ratio, earning per share, dividend payout among others. This analysis can be performed in one of the below methods, that is, Percentage Comparison and Absolute Comparison. Absolute Comparison involves performing horizontal analysis in making comparisons in the the absolute currency aggregates of some pieces over the given period of time. For instance, cash in hand at the closure of an accounting period

Friday, September 27, 2019

Applying for Entrance at Oxford University Essay

Applying for Entrance at Oxford University - Essay Example Relative to the foregoing, I have had the pleasure of giving Mr., Zhigzhitov academic instructions pertinent to the Comparable Politics Course while studying in the Political Department of Moscow State University; where he constantly deferred to me for scientific consultations on different problems. Moreover, he passed all his examinations within the given curriculum and attained no grade mark lower than A. Sergey has also been recognized by the University for his achievements since he received a gold medal and red diploma that was awarded by Viktor Sadovnichiy - rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University (only distinguished students are awarded a medal by the rector). Aside from his impeccable academic achievements, Sergey’s extracurricular activities also put him ahead of his peers. In this arena, he was recognized for actively participating in the â€Å"Electoral Processes and Social Cleavages in Regions of Russia† – a project that was organized by A. Ahremenko, a Doctor of Political Science and a political specialist analyst in Russia. In addition, he made a remarkable accomplishment by winning the first prize in a nationwide scientific competition, which was organized by both Moscow State University and the Fund of Perspective Researchers â€Å"Bastion†. Again Sergey’s scientific intellect manifested itself through the ten (10) scientific published works he has done in specialized editions which are considered quite a feat for a student. Having confidence in Sergey Zhigzhitov’s intellectual capabilities, the Political Science Department of Moscow State University allowed him to engage in practical teaching activities. H

Thursday, September 26, 2019

World Vision Advertising Managerial Objectives Essay

World Vision Advertising Managerial Objectives - Essay Example To begin with, World Vision is among the many organizations that provide relief and support to the marginalized or underprivileged members of the society. The company has achieved these objectives bearing in mind the challenges it encounters in its endeavors. Lack of government support is the main challenge that affects the organization. Therefore, donors are the main source of support and funds for the company. It is also difficult for the company to have volunteer employees (see World Vision International 2012). Therefore, the marketing objective should target volunteers, potential donors and other sources of funds. This is only possible through creating awareness in the targets about the company. The management should use the benefit of the company being a Christian organization to influence different people for support. People always want to help but lack organizations that they can trust. Therefore, the management should use some of the children that the organization has helped to try to influence potential donors to support its activities. Children and women are the most vulnerable members of the society and the combination of religion and provision of care will attract many parties. To achieve this objective, the company can use a series of advertisement to try to lure supporters and volunteers into the company. The adverts should mainly feature children, which captures the attention of many individuals in the society. The best advert is the one that captures the attention and concern of individuals in the society. World Vision enjoys the benefits of a Christian organization. Christians share the notion that helping those in need is part of their moral obligations. The management should embark on a campaign that targets Christian societies and organizations. This is through enlightening the societies about the mission and vision of the company

Construction Law (Agency) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Construction Law (Agency) - Assignment Example If certain guidelines of the law were over-stepped, Dick can/could be assessed as having committed a Fraud or Theft by Deception with his dealings. In fact, if Costcutters knew that Dick would be representing ‘Dick’s Dealings’ in a manner that might imply Dick was still in-charge, Costcutters may be investigated for perhaps a criminal theft conspiracy. (Barrett v. Dere) In any event, Barrett v. Dere would be a good starting point if more information about Costcutters knowledge and the liability, although the contract between Dick and Costcutters was breached by Dick’s failure to stay under spending limits and pocketing the difference (hiding the profit), seems to point towards ‘Implied Authority’ for Dick making Costcutters liable. Question #2 Dick does have the right to engage the Architect since the ‘representation element by the Principal’ is written very clear for all to see; Dick’s Dealings. ... Question #3 The courts must find there is an agency agreement between Dick and Costcutters. The agency was sold (suggesting an exchange of money) which explicitly implies a contract. Costcutters gave Dick a job title (General Manager) and his agreement with Costcutters, though maybe even oral, is a contract nevertheless. If Dick’s contract suggest immediate termination in case of breach, the ‘reasonable amount of time for communicating this to Dick has not been met. Egregious behavior has not been addressed so it is a non sequitur. The Tripartite agreement maintains that Costcutters can be sued leaving room for an open suit directed at Dick which cannot stand on merit. The Principal-Costcutters-own the responsibility though the name, ‘Dick’s Dealings’ tends toward the opposite. It is in this purchase and facilitation where Costcutters is at fault. Costcutters enabled these transactions by default once they bought the name ‘Dick’s Dealings ’ and worked to make a profit from it using Dick as a named associate (General Manager). Dick may be sued but the direction of liability, according to the rules given, lay at the feet of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Lost Decade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Lost Decade - Essay Example As a result, there was trade surplus and increased liquidity for banks thus making credit easily available and cheap. There was also increase in asset prices such as; real estates, stocks and land. Banks used excess liquidity to lend loans backed by real estates or land as collateral and when eventually the ministry of finance raised interest rates in 1989, the asset bubble burst resulting in the collapse of the financial markets and economic growth stagnation. There are several factors which can be attributed to the recession. Some scholars like Ito believe that the situation could have been avoided if only the government had taken measures urgently. The Bank of Japan (BOJ) and ministry of finance(MOF) and Japanese banks took a long time to acknowledge the existence of the problem hence took long to respond and this led to worsening of the problem (Saxonhouse & Stern, 2004). Increased speculation is also viewed as a contributing factor to the lost decade. Due to high prices of land, stock and real estate, banks thought that the prices would continue to rise thus instead of reinvesting the excess liquidity, they loaned it with real estate as a collateral without foreseeing any risks. As prices continued to increase, the companies continued to acquire more loans backed by assets and invested in stocks and securities and the banks offered loans without considering creditworthiness of the loanee. By the time the bubble bust, most banks had little or capital reserves (Callen & Ostry, 2003). Callen and Ostry (2003) observe that the economic slowdown was a result of massive savings due to demographics of aging population. This resulted in over reliance on traditional bank loans as opposed to issue of stocks and bonds in the capital market to acquire additional financing. The relationship of banks and corporations led to lowering of lending standards leading to increased risks. The shareholders of commercial banks were mutual life insurance companies which were manage d by representatives selected by the management hence there was no regulations to operate efficiently. The banks therefore were lending money without a profit maximization motive thus increased lending risks. The MOF had also undergone deregulation hence was not providing the banks with regulatory rents hence they turned to small and micro enterprises and gave the loans against real estate collateral at low interest rates (Syed et al. 2009). The government institutions were getting annual subsidies and hence were not keen on making profits hence lack of control in lending activities. The government response policy in 1997 of increasing consumption tax is the reason for continued crisis which had already began to ease (Syed et al. 2009). The government underestimated the depth of the crisis and began strategies to reduce budget deficits by increasing consumption tax. This resulted in increased consumption of durable goods by consumers as they speculated the increase leading to inflat ion (Nanto, 2009). The community banking model of Japan also prolonged the crisis since the banks were reluctant to write-off non-performing loans and instead opted to continue lending to defaulters. The increase in interest rates in 1989 by the MOF led to the bursting of the bubble. The impact was felt not only by the banking system and other financial

Monday, September 23, 2019

What Caused World War 2 and Why Did the US Become Involved in It Research Paper - 1

What Caused World War 2 and Why Did the US Become Involved in It - Research Paper Example The Weimar Germany steamed trouble that drove towards the Second World War. The treaty received a lot of dissatisfaction claims from the Germans included the loss of part of its territories and the tribute that the Germans had to pay as reparations for the war effects. Besides this reason, the Italian fascism of the 1920s, the Japanese military development, the attack on China in 1930s and the Nazis take overinclusive with Adolf Hitler all point to the Second World War. In 1933 after Hitler and his Nazi fellows had taken over power, the grievances of the Germans over the lost war became apparent with the demands raised as part of the Nazi ideology. The demands proved more ambitious and included the uniting of the German community in one nation and the demand that led to the acquisition of space commonly referred to as â€Å"living space†. The living space used as a way of cleaning the country. Through it, the Germans gained access to the East and colonized the territories he found. The actions of the Nazis created tensions in the other states through these ideologies developed. Then started the colonization effects with Italy claiming over Ethiopia, Japan over Manchuria in the year 1931 and its avid entry into China in 1937 and the Germans rearmament and remilitarization of the Rhine lands at around 1936. The Germans went further to divide the Eastern part of Europe into a Nazi and the Soviet areas each with different levels of influence. The Danzig crisis followed that triggered the war in Europe at around 1939. In addition, competition for resources played a role in creating the Second World War.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

New Paradigm for HR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

New Paradigm for HR - Essay Example Most of the organizations are using human resources as an important source of competitive advantage, however Losey, Meisinger, & Ulrich (2005) have presented different challenges and dilemmas in this regard. COMPELLING ISSUES HIGHLIGHTED BY AUTHOR: Some of the main issues highlighted by the author are as follow: 1. Increased Diversity among the workforce: owing to increasing globalization and free trade there have been different cross cultural issues in the multinational organizations. The employees belong to different ethnic and cultural backgrounds and as a result makes it difficult for the management to control and manage the human resource. 2. New Logic for Human Resource: Losey, Meisinger, & Ulrich (2005) have presented new logic for human resource in order to avoid cross cultural and diversity issues. This includes the three Rs paradigm i.e. recognize, respect, and reconciliation. 3. The war for Talent: should there be fresh hiring or the old employees should be retained 4. Iss ues in Selection and Recruitment: old abilities versus new talent and potential EVALUATION OF THE AUTHORS POSITION: The authors are of the idea that the organizations should implement the principle of ‘think globally and act locally’. The organizations should strive to capture the international markets but at the same time should adapt to the local culture and preferences. The human resource personnel faces different issues and challenges while deciding for important human resource decisions. There is difference in the view points of people from different cultures and backgrounds. According to the authors, the HR managers and decision makers should focus on the three Rs framework i.e. recognize, respect, and reconciliation. The decision makers at first place should recognize the explicit and implicit differences in the approaches, ideas, and values. Secondly, they should respect the differences and viewpoints of other people. And finally, there should be reconciliation in all different views and opinions which in turn will eliminate all tensions and issues related to HR policies. SUPPORTING DATA: These difference in opinions because of diversity is not only restricted to the HR functions and decisions of the organization but is also faced by other functions like marketing. Trompennars and Wooliams (2004), in their article ‘A new paradigm for Marketing Across Cultures’ have presented the same three Rs framework i.e. recognize, respect, and reconciliation in HR. According to them in order to come up with effective and efficient marketing strategies and decisions for different cultures and nations, the marketing professionals should learn to recognize, respect, and reconcile different opinions and cultural viewpoints. Apart from this different researchers have presented the idea of managing the diversity among the organization by bringing a harmony among different views and opinions. OPPOSING VIEW POINT: There have been different researc hes in order to come up with effective and efficient strategies in order to combat with diversity management. There have been different viewpoints in this regard. According to the Roberge and Dick (2010), diversity among the workforce results in increasing the overall productivity and performance of the organization. The view presented by Roberge and Dick (2010), is different from that of Losey, Mesinger, and Ulrich (2005). The formers are of the view that the different opinio

Saturday, September 21, 2019

International Trade and Finance Speech Essay Example for Free

International Trade and Finance Speech Essay One may try to understand what exactly a foreign exchange rate is. To help understand, let’s view a foreign exchange rate as exchanging one dollar at a department store for a product. If one were to go into a department store and purchase a pair of socks in a three pack for one dollar, or each for 33 cents, one would be able to relate that the dollar-to-socks exchange rate is three socks because one exchanged a single dollar for three pairs of socks. Similarly, the sock-to-dollar exchange rate would be one-third of a dollar, meaning 33 cents. This is because if one decides to sell a single pair of socks, one would get 33 cents in exchange. Moffatt) The same principle hold true for foreign currency. On May 9, 2013 the U. S. -to-Euro exchange rate was . 767 EUR, meaning that for one U. S. dollar, one could purchase . 767 Euros. In order to determine the amount that one could exchange one Euro to the dollar, one could use this simple formula: Euro-to-U. S. exchange rate = 1 / U. S. -to-Euro exchange rate. Euro-to-U. S. exchange rate = 1 / 3767 = 1. 303. This equation shows that one Euro would be exchange for 1. 303 U. S. dollars. (Moffatt) Now that what have an understanding of what a foreign exchange rate is, let discuss how these rates are determined. Using the two previously discussed currencies, each of their rate are determined in a foreign exchange market that is open to a very large range of various sellers and buyers. Each country incorporates mechanisms that will in turn aid in managing the value of their currency. These mechanisms help in determining the, either pegged and fixed, or free-floating. A peg system is when a country tries to keep their currency at a fixed exchange rate, as the Chinese have done between 1994 and 2005. Doing this sometime devalue or over-value their currencies, which can result in either a trade deficit or surplus. Free-floating is when the currency’s exchange rate is allowed to vary against currencies of other countries, allowing supply and demand in the market forces to determine its exchange rate; exchange rates for these currencies are determined around the works by banks and are quoted through the financial markets. (Mayer) International Trade The effects of international trade means lower prices for goods and services; competition for the domestic markets and less of a choice for employment for University of phoenix students after graduation. When the country invests more in international trade that local business and companies; the Gross domestic product may start to suffer and business may start to go out of business due to loss in business. International trade takes away from local farmers and business owner’s success. If the country is constantly making international trades, eventually the United States would no longer have a need for local farmers. The local farmers would have surplus that may spoil due to not being sold. This could cause the farmer to become bankrupt. International trades mean less cost for products and services for the consumer, (Investopedia, n. ). So in return that means less business for the local farmers and business owners as mentioned before. The effect of international trade effects University of Phoenix student mainly after graduation. If all of the jobs are being outsources or traded overseas; what opportunities does that leave the new potential employees? The students would not have a job of choice, depending on the degree they have pursued. It would be unfortunate for a student to complete a program and not be able to use their degree effectively due to their job of choice being outsourced overseas. International trade is not all that bad as it is made out to be. Without international trade, we would not be able to experience different types of foods from other countries that cannot be produced in our country, (Investopedia, n. d). Tariffs and Quotas International relations and trade can be affected by the choices governments choose to fallow. First, what are tariffs and quotes? Tariffs or sometimes known as custom duties also, they are a certain amount of tax value placed by governments on international trade goods and are typically on imported goods. Quotas are limits placed on the importers, which gives them a certain amount of time they may import their goods. Quotas generally favor the importer, because they tend to drive the cost of goods up, which in turn gains revenue for the importing companies. Tariffs do the opposite, they generally will bring revenue to the government, because they are a tax and the government will gain in revenue. Although tariffs and quotas bring revenue to the companies and the government, they can also have a negative affect if the tax is too high or if the quotas are so small. Price of the goods will sky rocket and problems in the international trading world will arise. One example, which according to Colander (2010) stated,â€Å" Probably the most infamous tariff in U. S. istory is the Smoot-Hawley Tariff of 1930, which raised tariffs on imported goods to an average of 60 percent. It was passed at the height of the Great Depression in the United States in the hope of protecting American jobs. It didn’t work. Other countries responded with similar tariffs. As a result of these trade wars, international trade plummeted from $60 billion in 1928 to $25 billion in 1938, unemployment worsened, and the international depression deepened. † (Colander, 2010, p. 458). Import of Goods If the U. S. restricted all goods coming in from China then the U. S. would lose a significant amount of comparative advantage with China. What this means is that goods manufactured in China, India and other Asian countries are creating demand for advertising, management, and distribution, and are therefore creating jobs and income in the United States† (Colander, 2010, p. 453). Currently the U. S. is now a debtor nation and China plus India are creating jobs and helping the U. S. economy. The U. S. could not afford to restrict China because this could cause problems internationally with the two countries and the U. S. economy would suffer from bad relations. Why cannot the U. S. just minimize the amount of imports coming in from all other countries? The U. S. annot minimize the amount of imports coming in from other countries because this would hurt the U. S. economy as a whole. Minimizing the amount of imports could also hurt the reputation of the U. S. on the international trade level and the U. S. could end up losing trading partners with other countries. The U. S. is consuming more imports then selling of exports so minimizing the amount of imports would also be very difficult. Again this could make the U. S. economy crash from the loss of imports. â€Å"International trade, and changing comparative advantages, will become more and more important for the United States in the coming decades† Colander, 2010, p. 470). Surplus A surplus of imports that is brought into the United States is when imports exceed exports, meaning that the demand for U. S. goods or services is in the negative. A negative export affects the economy’s income and output, the employment rate, prices of goods and services, and the rate of inflation. An example of a product with an import surplus, and the impact that it had on the U. S. businesses and consumers is the motor-vehicle manufacturing sector. â€Å"The motor-vehicle manufacturing sector is the second-largest employer among all U. S. anufacturing industries, and auto parts and tires contribute the most direct jobs (nearly two-thirds or more) to the motor-vehicle sector. † (Scott, 2012) Since the United States Government helped with the restructuring of General Motors, there has been a strong turnaround in U. S. auto sales, but this still does not stop the massive import and surplus of automotive parts available on the U. S. market. Chinese exports to the United States have increase by 900 percent in the last decade, thus affecting the employment rate of those that would be working in the United States auto-parts industry.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Relationship Between Sedentary Lifestyle and Obesity

Relationship Between Sedentary Lifestyle and Obesity Topic: Is the rise in Childhood Obesity a result of a sedentary lifestyle or due to pre-disposing factors? Executive Summary This review examines the relationship that predisposing factors and sedentary lifestyles have on childhood obesity. The authors of the article Childhood Obesity: Trends and Potential Causes, state that there is not just one factor that is responsible for the high rates of childhood obesity. The authors conclude that, Many complementary changes have simultaneously increased childrens energy intake and decreased their energy expenditure (Anderson, 2006). Numerous programs and research has been done in efforts to reduce the incidence rates of children with obesity. In order to better control this epidemic we must raise awareness around issues related to childhood obesity. Predisposing factors and sedentary lifestyles play an important role in the rising incidence rates of childhood obesity. However, one cannot attribute this rise solely to either one of these contributing factors. Problem Statement America has always been known for the sedentary lifestyles of its overweight citizens. Despite hundreds of advertised diets and work out programs, America is still leading the nation in the number of people who are obese (Obesity Statistics, 2010). Why would one want to eat healthy when its less expensive to eat unhealthy, and so easy to skip workouts? Technological advances have caused Americans to embrace a lifestyle that nurtures obesity. Children no longer play outside, they now spend hours watching TV and playing video games. Background Daily participation in school physical education among adolescents dropped 14 percentage points over the last 13 years from 42% in 1991 to 28% in 2003.26 In addition, less than one-third (28%) of high school students meet currently recommended levels of physical activity (Contributing Factors , 2009). About a quarter of children in the U.S. are overweight and approximately 1/10 are obese (Akhtar-Danesh, Dehghan, Merchant, 2005). Research done regarding twins reveals that genetic factors can contribute to obesity (Bouchard Loos, 2003). Obesity in adults can lead to major medical issues that can increase morbidity.. Childhood obesity has a strong linkage to adult obesity. (Speiser et. al, 2005) Framework The theoretical approach for this paper was based on the Health Belief Model. The Health Belief Model states that people have to be inspired in order to alter their behaviors (National Cancer Institute , 2005). In order to decrease the number of obese children in America, children must be motivated to change their behaviors. These include behaviors that put them at risk for obesity. They must feel inspired to lose weight by altering their lifestyle and incorporating more physical activity into their daily agenda. So that we can decrease the number of obese children in America, we must recognize the impact of the disease on our children and the future of America. Only then, will we be motivated to change and able to encourage our children to change. Literature Review The Obesity Epidemic and United States Students This article gives important and astronomical facts about the obesity epidemic in the United States. Among high school students, in 2009, after a Youth Risk Behavior Survey, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was able to reveal several unhealthy dietary behaviors and a lack of physical activity. It was rather disturbing. The survey revealed that high school students, during the seven days before the survey, indulged in carbonated beverages and ate less fruits and vegetables. During the seven days before the survey, there was also a limited amount of 100% fruit juices drank and/or fruit eaten. Prior to the seven days before the survey, some of the high school students didnt participate in, at least, sixty minutes of physical activity on any given day. Physical education classes were not attended either. The focus, it appeared, was more on watching television and utilizing computers. The CDC offered, what would be assumed by most adults, reasonable solutions. It was suggested that the students be placed in healthier educational environments, receive better health education, and more physical activity programs. Along with what the CDC revealed about the survey, The School Health Policies and Programs Study in 2006 indicated that more students were able to purchase sodas or fruit drinks and less 100% fruit juices. However, nutrition services did offer more vegetables and gave the high school students the option to choose between different fruits. The choice was offered, in some schools, for students to participate in intramural activities or physical activity clubs. (The Obesity Epidemic and United States Students, 2010) Obesity Prevalence among Low-Income, Preschool-Aged Children United States, 19982008 This article reports the results of a study done regarding the presence of obesity and racial/ethnic disparities in pre-school aged children. The study looked closely at the racial/ethnic differences and early-life risk factors for childhood obesity. During this study, a total of 1343 white, 355 black, and 128 Hispanic mother-child pairs were studied (Obesity Prevalence Among Low-Income, Preschool-Aged Children United States, 19982008, 2009). The major findings were risk factors that started prenatally up to 4 years of age. The results of the study revealed that black and Hispanic children displayed a number of risk factors related to childhood obesity. Some of those risk factors included increased rates of depression and rapid weight gain. It was also presumed that black and Hispanic mothers introduced solid foods to their infants prior to the appropriate months of age. As the children reached two years old, they were introduced to more sugar-sweetened beverages. Fast food appeared to be the first choice of foods. In conclusion, the study did in fact; show significant differences in risk factors for obesity in black and Hispanic children. It was discovered the risk factors for obesity are present prenatally as well as throughout childhood. Facts for Families Obesity in Children and Teens This article was very informative. It opens up with a shocking fact and number; unhealthy weight gain due to poor diet and lack of exercise is responsible for over 300,000 deaths each year (Obesity in Children and Teens, 2008) I discovered that obesity is more than just a pound or more of extra weight. Based on this article, obesity in children normally begins in early childhood ages. If the child continues to display no change in obesity before or during pre-teen years, then he or she is more than likely to become an obese adult. The article gives several possible causes of obesity relating to instances such as; lack of exercise, family and peer problems, low self esteem, depression or other emotional problems, and overeating or binging (Obesity in Children and Teens, 2008). When dealing with obesity, if the parent(s) and children are not careful, there are a number of consequences including: trouble sleeping, mental, physical, and emotional. The author explains how obesity can be managed and treated in children and adolescents. However, the author also expresses how its easy for the child and/or adolescent to gain the weight back. It is important that old habits of eating and exercising not resurface. The author states, An obese adolescent must therefore learn to eat and enjoy healthy food in moderate amount and to exercise regularly to maintain the desired weight (Obesity in Children and Teens, 2008). Weighing the Risk Factors The writer displayed a picture of a handsome toddler with obvious weight issues. The child appeared to be happy but after reading the article, I discovered that this child is at very high risk of remaining obese through his adolescence years and into adulthood. It is suggested that efforts to prevent childhood obesity should begin far earlier than currently thought-perhaps even before birth (Burton, 2010). Obesity is affecting more minority children than white children. Beginning at infancy and even pregnancy, studies were revealed and proved that minority children are at a higher risk for obesity. The author points out that socioeconomic status may be a possible risk factor. There have been theories provided that state limited access to health care, poverty, and low educational levels are contributing factors for obesity in minority children. The writers suggest, The risk factors stem from behaviors and habits passed from generation to generation or that may be culturally embedded (Burton, 2010) The Role of Media in Childhood Obesity This article summarizes findings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Pediatrics findings on the role of the media in childhood obesity. Data reported from CDC dating back to 1980 indicates that the number of obese children ages 6-11 has increased by twice as much. This data also indicates that the number of adolescent youth has increased by 3 times as much (The Role of Media in Childhood Obesity, 2004) The American Academy of Pediatrics states, The increase on childhood obesity represents an unprecedented burden on childrens health. (The Role of Media in Childhood Obesity, 2004) This article also explains the importance of relevant policy recommendations for change. The following policy recommendations were listed: reduction in commercials for food that are aimed at children, increase education campaigns and encourage healthy eating and more exercise, incorporate more communications regarding healthy eating to television episodes, and encourage interventions that decrease the amount of time children access media, The article states many contributing factors to the increased numbers of overweight children. The article lists these factors as, reduction in physical education classes and after school athletic programs, an increase in the availability of sodas and snacks in public schools, the growth in the number of fast-food outlets across the country, the trend toward super sizing food portions, and the increasing number of highly processed high-calorie and high-fat grocery products. (The Role of Media in Childhood Obesity, 2004). The article lists food advertisements as the number one factor that media contributes to childhood obesity. The article states that the number of TV commercials has increased by 2 times as much in the last 40 years. New Data Analysis Shows Possible Link between Childhood Obesity and Allergies This article expresses a new indicator that may reduce childhood obesity. A study published in an issue of the Journal of Allergy Clinical Immunology states , that obese children and adolescents are at increased risk of having some kind of allergy, especially to a food (New Data Analysis Shows Possible Link between Childhood Obesity and Allergies , 2009) It is said to be some sort of connection between asthma and allergies in obese children and adolescents. This study was supported and led by the NEIS and NHANES. The researchers analyzed data from more than four- thousand children. They looked at and compared allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) or antibody levels to a large panel of indoor, outdoor and food allergens, body weight, and responses to a questionnaire about diagnoses of hay fever, eczema, and allergies. Obesity was defined as being in the 95th percentile of the body mass index for childs age. The researchers found the IgE levels were higher among children who were obese or overweight. Obese children were about 26 percent more likely to have allergies than children of normal weight (New Data Analysis Shows Possible Link between Childhood Obesity and Allergies , 2009). There are more studies expected to take place on this and there will continue to be a need to try and determine how environmental factors affect the epidemic of child and adolescent obesity. Obesity Prevalence Among Low-Income, Preschool-Aged Children United States, 1998-2008 This article gives details of the affects of low-income and minority obese children. There is data presented by the CDCs Pediatric Nutrition Survelliance System (PedNSS). The CDC examined trends and discovered that obesity prevalence among low-income, preschool-aged children increased steadily from 12.4% in 1998 to 14.5% in 2003, but subsequently remained essentially the same, with a 14.6% prevalence in 2008 (Obesity Prevalence Among Low-Income, Preschool-Aged Children United States, 19982008, 2009). It is suggested that there should be strategic planning of an effective intervention that will focus on environments and policies that promote physical activity and a healthy diet for families, child care centers, and communities. There were several additional studies mentioned and all concluding the same necessary strategic planning to fight the epidemic of childhood obesity. Overweight in Early Childhood Increases Chances for Obesity at Age 12 The article is conveying the same message about childhood obesity that many researchers focusing on this epidemic continue to convey. Children who are overweight as toddlers, infants, or preschoolers are more likely to be obese or overweight as an adolescence. However in this article, gives brief descriptions of recent analysis that focus more on frequent intervals of data collected on children from the age of two through the age of twelve years of age. This analysis was also done over an extended period of time. The analysis revealed that overweight children in early childhood increases chances for obesity at age 12. (Overweight in Early Childhood Increases Chances for Obesity at Age 12, 2006) Hypothesis Topic: Is the rise in Childhood Obesity a result of a sedentary lifestyle or due to pre-disposing factors? Research shows that rising number of obese children cannot be attributed solely to sedentary lifestyle or to predisposing factors. The research sites a number of factors that attribute to the childhood obesity epidemic. Careful examination of the lifestyle factors and predisposing factor for obesity of todays youth is essential in finding a way to decrease these rates. Policy Recommendations The following recommendations may be helpful in addressing childhood obesity in the United States: Policies addressing childhood obesity must take into consideration the many different factors that contribute to this epidemic. Policy makers must be aware of the predisposing factors that may contribute to the disease. It is imperative that parents who show risk factors of having obese children receive an intervention while the child is still young. Programs designed to deal with childhood obesity must look at the lifestyle of the child and the parent, genetic factors, and economic status. Healthy foods are often more expensive that unhealthy foods. We must find ways to make healthy foods available and affordable for our children. Careful consideration must be taken in dealing with children who may be obese due to genetic factors. Policy makers must be aware of the affects of the media on obesity. There has to be some control placed on advertisement for unhealthy snacks and meals that are geared towards young children. The media should be encouraged to have more positive roles for characters that do not fit in the ideal weight category. The media can also use celebrities and musicians to positively promote healthy foods and a healthy lifestyle. The most important recommendation is that policy makers are aware that proper planning and implementation of programs nation -wide will be needed to decrease the number s of children with obesity. This will take time. This will also take a joint effort from parents, churches, state and federal governments, and community advocates. We must make this a priority in order to insure the health of our nation in the future. Working citizens should be aware of the possible financial burden that this disease could end up being if we do not address it in the near future. Health care costs are rising on a daily basis. We must ensure that we are financially able to handle this epidemic in the future. If prevention programs are not put in place, todays obese youth will be tomorrows obese adults. These obese adults of the future may possibly give birth to obese children. We must stop this endless cycle and control this epidemic for our children.