Thursday, December 26, 2019

Biology Photosynthesis Lab - 934 Words

Biology lab AIM: To test a leaf for starch APPARATUS/MATERIALS : * bunsen burner, tripod stand, wire gauze(OR 90oC electric water bath OR hot plate) * 250 cm3 beaker * boiling tube * anti- bumping granules * forceps * test tube holder * white tile * leaf to be tested (hibiscus leaves are excellent) * 90% ethanol * iodine/potassium iodide solution PROCEDURE: The video above shows the steps in Testing a Leaf for the Presence of Starch. The Procedure outlined below is slightly different. 1. Remove a green leaf fom a plant that has been exposed to sunlight for a few hours 2. Half-fill a 250cm3 beaker with water. Heat the water until it boils. Keep the water at boiling point. 3. Use the†¦show more content†¦Most photosynthesis takes places in the green parts of plants, in particular the leaves. Photosynthesis involves 2 stages - the Light-dependent Stage and the Light-independent stage. In the light-depedent stage, water is photolyzed by sunlight into Hydrogen and oxgen. Hydrogen enters the second stage, oxgen is gaseous by-product. In the light - independent stage enzymes catalyse the reduction of carbon dioxide by hydrogen. The carbohydrate, glucose is first formed. Glucoe may be immediately used, translocated in the form of fructose or sucrose or stored as starch granules. The overall equation for photosynthesis is: 2. Which organic substance does iodine/potassium iodide solution detect the presence of? What observations will you make if the test is positive? Starch. The iodine solution will turn from brown to blue - black. 3. Explain the significance of boiling the leaf in water. Boiling the leaf in water: * Removes the waxy cuticle which prevents entry of iodine/potassium iodide solution. * Ruptures cell membranes to make starch granules in cytoplasm and chloroplasts accessible to iodine/potassium iodide solutiion. Cell membranes are selectively permeable and do not readily allow the penetration of iodine. * Denatures enzymes, particularly those which convert starch to glucose e.g. diastase. Boiling arrests all chemical reactions, since enzymes which catalyse the reactions areShow MoreRelatedBiology Photosynthesis Lab925 Words   |  4 PagesBiology lab AIM: To test a leaf for starch APPARATUS/MATERIALS  : * bunsen burner, tripod stand, wire gauze(OR 90oC electric water bath OR hot plate) * 250 cm3 beaker * boiling tube * anti- bumping granules * forceps * test tube holder * white tile * leaf to be tested (hibiscus leaves are excellent) * 90% ethanol * iodine/potassium iodide solution PROCEDURE: The video above shows the steps in Testing a Leaf for the Presence of Starch. The Procedure outlined below isRead MoreThe Analysis of Spinach Pigmentation During Photosynthesis (biology Lab Report)1050 Words   |  5 PagesSpinach Pigmentationp During Photosynthesis p University of Alabamap I. Introduction:p quot;Photosynthesis is the conversion of light energy to chemical energy that is stored in glucose or other organic compounds; it occurs in plants, algae, and certain prokaryotesquot; (Campbell, G-16). The formula below is photosynthesis and quot;the ingredients necessary to make a plant growquot; (KoK, 30).p 6CO_2 + 6H_2_0,,#179; C_6_H_12_O_6_ + 6CO_2p Photosynthesis occurs within chloroplasts whichRead MoreThe Effect of Temperature on Photosynthesis1085 Words   |  5 Pagesproduct of photosynthesis, which is the process that converts energy in sunlight to chemical forms of energy that can be used by biological systems2. Many organisms are not able to use the energy obtained from sunlight directly; however, plants are able to use this energy and convert it into chemical energy by converting CO2 (carbon dioxide) and H2O (water) to organic materials3. The energy source for photosynthesis comes from sunlight, which allows for the fuel that drives photosynthesis. 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It is a system that uses plants and specific algae to synthesize molecules from both water and carbon dioxide. The oxygen we breathe and the food we eat is fueled by photosynthesis because it is anRead MorePhotosintersis Experiment1317 Words   |  6 PagesMeasuring the Effect of Light Intensity on Photosynthesis Introduction Photosynthesis captures energy from sunlight. Plants, algae, and some bacteria use the energy captured during photosynthesis for their metabolic reactions. During photosynthesis in plants, chlorophyll and enzymes in leaves convert certain wavelengths of light into chemical energy. A simple equation can be used to represent photosynthesis. Enzymes and Chlorophyll light energy CO2 H2O carbohydrate O2 In this investigationRead MoreLeaflab Report Essay943 Words   |  4 PagesMarlena Ferone LeafLab Biology 101 - Professor Landry University of Phoenix Due Date: August 30, 2011 EXPLORATION What is the relationship between the increase in light intensity and the photosynthetic rate in leaves from a corn plant? How does this relationship compare with what you observed for tomato plants? As light intensity increases, the photosynthetic rate of a plant increases as well. However biochemical reaction, in fact, DO have temperature limits because if the temperaturesRead MoreLeaf Lab931 Words   |  4 PagesMarlena Ferone LeafLab Biology 101 - Professor Landry University of Phoenix Due Date: August 30, 2011 EXPLORATION What is the relationship between the increase in light intensity and the photosynthetic rate in leaves from a corn plant? How does this relationship compare with what you observed for tomato plants? As light intensity increases, the photosynthetic rate of a plant increases as well. However biochemical reaction, in fact, DO have temperature limits because if the temperaturesRead MoreWorld War Ii Through the 1970s627 Words   |  3 PagesENERGY IN A CELL Lab Name: Tigist Badeg Data Table. Step | Tile | 1. | Energy | 2. | H2O, CO2, Chlorophyll | 3. | Electron Transfer | 4. | ATP + NADPH | 5. | Calvin cycle | 6. | Glucose and O2 | 7. | Glycolysis | 8. | Pyruvic acid | 9. | Krebs cycle | 10. | ATP, H2O and CO2 | 1.What is the importance of the light and dark reactions in photosynthesis? In light reactions, light is absorbed by chlorophyll in the thylakoid membrane and energizes the electronsRead MoreIB Bio lab report on photosynthesis1509 Words   |  7 PagesThe effect of different coloured lights on the rate of Photosynthesis Objective: To find out which colour of light provides the best consequences for the production of oxygen/ the rate of photosynthesis Background: In photosynthesis, there are two main parts, including light dependent and light-independent reactions. Plants use the energy from light for producing sugar, which is being converted into ATP by cellular respiration. They also are the only organisms that produce oxygen along with glucose

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Kate Chopin s An Hour - 1323 Words

Thesis The late 1800s was a time period in American history marked by increased immigration, industrialization, territorial expansion, urbanization, and political activism. In regards to political activism, the feminist movement grew as a result of major social, intellectual, political, economic, and cultural transformations that were occurring in American society. During this time period, women still couldn’t obtain an education because it was believed it would injure their brains; they couldn’t vote; they could be beat by their husbands; and they couldn’t hold property. Women were viewed as emotionally and physically weak, a reason that men used to justify the subjugation of women and their need for â€Å"protection† under an onerous marriage. In The Story of an Hour, through peculiar sentence structure, feministic themes, and irony, Kate Chopin portrays the resentment of women towards the oppressive institution of marriage through Mrs. Mallard’s joviality for her newly discovered freedom- a product of her husband’s assumed passing. Body Paragraph #1- Literary Device: Sentence Structure Kate Chopin commences the short story with â€Å"Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband’s death† (66). A transparent view of this sentence simply reveals that Mrs. Mallard suffers from cardiomyopathy; that her husband has died; and that someone has taken care to gently inform her of the news.Show MoreRelatedKate Chopin s An Hour1812 Words   |  8 PagesAuthor Kate Chopin is famous for some of the most influential feminist stories and novels in the Western canon. â€Å"The Story of an Hour† is one such text. In this story, Chopin tackles many of the concerns that are essential to feminism, including the willpower and expression of a woman’s distinctive identity separate from the identity of her husband and the right of a woman to identify and experience her own interests. While there is an aspect of this story that is provocative, namely, that Mrs. MallardRead MoreKate Chopin s An Hour857 Words   |  4 Pagesunderstanding of how various emotions can effect an individual; this is a consequence of being human. The broad variety of different emotions that Kate Chopin fit into â€Å"The Story of an Hour† presents the story with a perspective that is very intelligible. While some readers may not understand what it is like to live a sheltered life due to marital convention, Chopin laid out the emotional path that the protagonist takes and simplified it into individual, coherent feelings that a woman in the late nineteenth-centuryRead MoreKate Chopin s An Hour899 Words   |  4 PagesThe author has to choose the gender of their main character, and by Kate Chopin choosing a woman it set a completely different mood to the story rather than it being a man. The time this story was written were women were suppose to be submissive and loyal to their husbands, caring and nurturi ng for their children, and well-bred, catering hostesses. If a woman were to overstep such boundaries, she would be considered unladylike, scandalous, or even immoral. Society looks differently upon a personRead MoreKate Chopin s The Hour1361 Words   |  6 PagesStory of the Hour† has been whether or not Mrs. Mallard was oppressed in her marriage or if she was depressed due to the lack of time she and her husband spent together. Time plays a crucial role in the story, from the time they have spent together, to the period of the story, and to the short time in which the story takes place. â€Å"The Story of the Hour,† is a story written by feminist author, Kate Chopin in 1894 that deals with marital instability from a woman’s perspective. Chopin, whose husbandRead MoreKate Chopin s An Hour1273 Words   |  6 Pagesthe probation to ban the consumptions of alcohol, because alcohol attributed to their husbands’ abusive behaviors. Three stories serve as grea t examples for how women were treated/viewed in overtime. One of those stories is the story of â€Å"An Hour†, by Kate Chopin, which shows us how shows us how women were in oppressive marriages and desired freedom. Another story called â€Å"Proof†, which was written by David Auburn, demonstrates the negative treatment of women in a male dominated work force. Finally,Read MoreKate Chopin s The Story Of An Hour1579 Words   |  7 PagesKate Chopin’s The Story of an Hour written in 1984 is a story of a woman who, through the erroneously reported death of her husband, experienced true freedom. Both tragic and ironic, the story deals with the boundaries imposed on women by society in the nineteenth century. The author Kate Chopin, like the character in her story, had first-hand experience with the male-dominated society of that time and had experienced the death of her husband at a young age. The similarity between Kate Chopin andRead MoreKate Chopin s The Story Of An Hour1336 Words   |  6 Pagesstatus in society as married women. In the story of an hour, the author, Kate Chopin describes the emotions of a woman who is married and tied down to this oath for the rest of her life. The author uses the ways of the society during that time to construct a story that accurately reflects the feelings of majority of women of that time. The goal of the story is to examine how women were indirectly oppressed during those times. The story of an hour is an interesting short story that begin with tellingRead MoreKate Chopin s Story Of The Hour Essay982 Words   |  4 PagesKate Chopin was an American author who wrote two novels that got published and at least a hundred short stories. In Kate’s short story The Story of the Hour she uses some of her traumatic event that happened in her lifespan in the short story even though it the story is fictional. A lot of her fictions were set in Louisiana and her best-known works focused on the lives of sensitive intelligent women. One-third of Mrs. Chopin’s stories are children’s stories. A lot of Mrs. Chopin’s novels were forgottenRead MoreKate Chopin s The Hour928 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"The Story of The Hour† fully answers its title. It is a story about a woman living her last hour. Not so many things happen during that hour, but in contrast, many thoughts fly through main character’s head and a reader can form an accurat e portrait of a woman’s life from these thoughts. Somebody tells her that her husband is dead. After that she dives into the whirl of thoughts regarding the impact of husband’s death on her future. Some facts or beliefs make this woman think that her husband’sRead MoreKate Chopin s Story Of An Hour993 Words   |  4 Pageswriter’s base their stories of real life experiences and feelings. Kate Chopin largely based her stories off of her own life. Kate Chopin spent her childhood years in an alternative and matriarchal Louisiana town with a family that was unconventional. She challenged her nineteenth century sexist society and used her own life to put strength and feminism into her stories like â€Å"The Storm†, â€Å"Desiree’s Baby† and of course â€Å"The Story of an Hour†. She lived with her mother, grandmother and great grandmother

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

How to Catch a Fish free essay sample

Here is a list of essential items for fishing. 1. A fishing rod and reel. You can get this already put together and strung with line at a department store, sporting goods department or at the bait and tackle shop. Make sure the line is 8 or 16 pound test line or at least tested for well above the weight of any fish you plan to catch. 2. A lure and/or bait such as fishing worms. These can be bought at a bait and tackle shop or you can catch some worms yourself after a rain. Look up the bait shop in the yellow pages. 3. You will need a bobber or float if using worms. You will also need a bucket which you can fill with water at the lake, pond or river you plan to go fishing at. This is to keep your fish in once caught. If you think you may catch something pretty big you will want a stringer instead to string the fish on. We will write a custom essay sample on How to Catch a Fish or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 4. You will need a fishing license and a copy of the local fishing laws to follow. 5. You will want to dress comfortably in clothes not easily snagged by hooks. How to fish. Once you have your equipment and have found a suitable place where fishing is permitted, you will want to get set up. Place the bobber on the line by pushing the button in on it that allows the wire to come out that wraps around the line. You’ll see what I mean. Position the bobber about 3 feet above your hook. Bait the hook with a worm by piercing the worm and working it over the whole hook to cover the hook completely. If you are using a lure you won’t need the bobber. You will need to have your area around you clear so as not to hook anyone. Push in and hold the button on the reel, draw back the pole and snap the end like a whip sending the hook out into the water and releasing the button as the hook is being propelled forward. You may want to practice with an object like a lure on the line before trying this with a hook to avoid complications, till you get the hang of it. When you believe you have a fish on the line, either by the bobber being pulled under or the line going out, draw up the line a little so that it will draw tight when you secure the hook in the fish’s mouth. Now be ready to wind the reel and jerk back tight on the pole securing the hook into the fish’s mouth. Keep the line tight and try to tire the fish out before bringing it all the way in. You can unhook the fish by hand or with a special tool if you want to purchase one. By hand you will hold the fish above the fins so as not to be stabbed by them. Squeeze the fish in such a way that the mouth opens wider. Look at how the hook is located in the mouth of the fish. Push the hook in till free then take it out of the fish’s mouth.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Tolkiens serious Essay Example For Students

Tolkiens serious Essay Rings well with Bilbos discovery of the ring of power (Kocher 11). Tolkien had trouble publishing this book at first, but obviously it later became a great success.  Tolkiens next and most famous book, The Lord of the Rings, begins with the discovery of the great ring of power. It begins with the passing of the ring from Bilbo to Frodo Baggins. This book is undeniably Tolkiens best work. His other books can be seen as support and basis for this novel. For this book he  received thousands of flattering letters, The Order of the British Empire (one level below knighthood), and recently a multi million-dollar movie trilogy based on his writings. Many critics believe the character Frodo Baggins in The Lord of the Rings is symbolic of Tolkien and his war experience. Both seem to have been aimlessly caught up in a bad situation, which came to them without any warning. Frodos adventures follow Tolkiens life pretty closely. Similar instances include wounds and camaraderie (Sale 27). This work is the classic example of a fairly unimportant and rarely recognized member of society who shapes the lives and fortunes of every character on Middle Earth. We will write a custom essay on Tolkiens serious specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The Lord of the Rings was originally one book. When Tolkien was trying to get this book published, his publisher Raynor Unwin decided to split the book into three parts: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King (Belz 27). Tolkien really didnt like this idea but went along with it. The first of the three, The Fellowship of the Ring, tell of the ring coming to Frodo Baggins and the fellowship of men, dwarfs, elves, and wizards who will share the task of destroying the great ring. The second, The Two Towers, tells of the hardships of the journey and the classic heroic battles between good and evil. The final book in the series, The Return of the King, consists of the destroying of the great ring and the defeat of the evil forces of Middle Earth. This book in particular is filled with many dramatic ironies that are foreshadowed in the previous books. The Lord of the Rings is by far Tolkiens most popular work. It is commonly agreed that if Tolkien had lived longer he would have been knighted. Due to Tolkiens dislike of  publicity, it was said that it was harder to get an interview with him that the British Prime Minister (Belz 27). His last and least well-known work is The Silmarillion. This book basically tells the stories and history of Middle Earth. This book explains well how each race came about and depicts the setting for his other books. These books also contribute to the ironies of the previous books, and how more powerful forces control the characters. Although Tolkien does not call them gods, the controlling forces basically fit the names requirements. This book is an essential to any of Tolkiens serious readers. Even though Tolkien started this book as a young lad, he died before completing it. The book was finished and promoted by his son Christopher and has sold over a million copies.  In conclusion, Tolkiens works raised the bar for the modern fantasy field. His books will be hard for any upcoming writer in this field to match.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Chinese Dynastys Over Time †History Essay

Chinese Dynastys Over Time – History Essay Free Online Research Papers Chinese Dynastys Over Time History Essay It is not unusual that we study famous and important people in history in order to understand what was going on at that time. However, did these people really change the history? I always wonder whether the present would be different if some of these people were not born. Are we meant to be where we are now or everything is just by chance? These questions are especially critical in modern Chinese history because there were many regimes and groups for different types of people’s interests. It seems like there were so many possibilities that maybe the history could really be different than the way it is. There is an old saying in Chinese-, (a one-hundred-year-old worm, its body would not be rotten after its death). It means that regimes which have ruled for a long time do not fail easily even though it is dead inside. Qing dynasty could be the best example; it did not collapse right away due to the internal and external problems, and it managed to get through the nineteenth century and on until 1912. Partial credit must be given to those scholars who worked hard on the Confucian restoration, trying to reform and revive Qing dynasty. Zeng Guofan was one of the most important representatives of this restoration attitude. Even though Zeng thought highly of traditional scholarly and moral values, soon he saw â€Å"the value of making selective use of Western technology† (Spence, P195). His good friend, Feng Guifen also presented Zeng a series of ideas about how and why â€Å"China must learn to strengthen itself†-â€Å"Why are France and Britain [they] small but strong? The answer lay†¦in four main areas, utilizing all their manpower resource, exploiting their soil to the full, maintaining close bonds between rulers and subjects, and ensuring ‘the necessary accord of word with deed’† (Spence P195). Not only did Zeng and Feng, scholars far away from the political center Beijing, realize that â€Å"China must learn to strengthen itself† (Spence P195). Prince Gong, an important Manchu in the royal family, also â€Å"emerge[d] as a reformer in the Tongzhi Restoration period† (Spence 198). Under his efforts, schools in Beijing started to offer classes in foreign languages, Western technology, science, mathematics, international law, etc. Also, Qing dynasty sent out teenagers to U.S.A., Europe and Japan to study in their schools, hoping these people could bring back the most updated technology in Western society. After Zeng’s death, Li Hongzhang gained the trust from the express dowager Cixi. He encouraged Chi nese people to open their own factories, to try to reduce foreign import , to develop arsenals and build up the Chinese navy army. These practices definitely boomed the Chinese economy and strengthened the Qing dynasty. However, the disastrous defeat in Sino-Japan war made it clear that â€Å"self-strengthening† was not as helpful as people expected-â€Å"the north China navy†¦with yet more damaging consequences to China’s self-strengthening goals† (Spence p221). Holding the fear that China would be carved up in the coming future, scholars attempted to seek a way to rescue China from Western domination. After the war with Japan in 1895, many people were amazed that Japan, such a small country, had managed to become so successful in only a few decades. Almost at the same time, because Japan was â€Å"not yet ready to risk an open test of strength with the forces of Russia or of other potentially hostile European countries† (Howard, p281), the Japanese government decided to develop a positive relationship with China. They offered assistance against Russia and other western powers, which was also in their own interest. Japan’s success and its assistance to China especially in â€Å"expanding and improving Chinese [its] military establishment† (Howard p283), started an trend in China that many scholars were attracted to the Japan’s restoration history and they believed China should follow Japan in its own restoration. Kang Youwei was the one who really tried to put these ideas into practice. He gained much of his knowledge of the Meiji reform in Japan from books. Kang’s faith in China’s success following Japan came from the similarity between China and Japan, the work Japan had already done, including the translation of an enormous amount of Western books, and Japan’s positive and helpful attitude towards the Chinese restoration. Kang was very eager to put his ideas intoreality after â€Å"his observations of the corruption and irresponsibility in political life†¦and the humiliation of the defeat by Japan† (Howard, p289). Finally, Kang got the chance to present his ideas to the young emperor, Guangxu, and received an enthusiastic response. With hopes that China might become as strong as Japan through the restoration, Guangxu, called for changes in four areas including â€Å"abolition of the highly stylized format known as ‘eight-legged essay’†¦t he convention of old academics to modern schools offering both Chinese and Western learning†¦local officials to increase the production of tea and silk for export†¦and the strengthening of armed forces† (Spence, p228). Guangxu mistakenly thought his aunt, the empress dowager Cixi would support him but Cixi was afraid of her power being taken away, she issued an edict on 21st September, 1898 that â€Å"the emperor had asked her to resume power† (Spence, p229), and ended all the movement. Many people argue that Kang’s picking Guangxu as the person to put his ideas into reality was a huge mistake, but it is less noticed that there were not many options for Kang. Kang had never got a chance to go to Japan to observe its policy until 1898, and all of his knowledge of Japan, especially about Meiji reform came from books. He was only a scholar without military power or bureaucratic experiences, and he needed to rely on someone who would appreciate his ideas and also be powerful enough to make a difference. He wanted to rescue China from western power which made it impossible for him to turn to western countries for assistance. At the same time in the Qing court where were full of conservative officials, his only hope left to be the young emperor even though he had nothing but a throne. Kang turned to Japan government for help after the failure of the movement, but all he got was private support from Okuma which was not even strong enough to rescue Guangxu. It is alm ost predictable that Kang would fail eventually because the â€Å"constitutional reformers† did not have any solid military power to support them and all the assistance they received from Japan was mostly sympathy but not anything practical. In this battle between the â€Å"conservative Qing officials’† and Kang as â€Å"constitutional reformers†, Zhang Zhidong played an interesting role. It seems to most people that it was difficult to understand which side he really supported. In his book-Quanxue Pian’s Inner chapters, he talks about â€Å"why the idea of popular power did not fit China’s needs† (Hon, p89), which made him in the opposite position of â€Å"constitutional reformers†. However, in the outer chapters, he suggested that people should not â€Å"stop(ped) eating altogether because of a hiccup† which encouraged people to change the old institutions according to the present needs. Zhang’s ambiguous attitude seemed to be confusing, however, still explicable. According to Tze-Ki Hon in his â€Å"Zhang Zhidong’s Proposal for Reform†, Zhang was â€Å"an experienced bureaucrat who knew how to bend to the political wings† (Hon, p95). I n Zhang’s time, there were two streams of power with conflicts. Even though Zhang had his own opinions of restoration and he wanted to reform the court, his experience as a bureaucrat prevented him from stepping up to support Kang. Therefore he proposed a coherent plan for founding a system to train new talent, which would slowly reform the Qing court. At the same time, he also worked on â€Å"how to reduce China’s reliance on foreign imports and†¦to build an efficient railroad system to improve transportation and bring the country together with a strong sense of national identity† (Hon, p93). Zhang’s plans might work but the emergence of Sun Yat-sen certainly did not give Zhang a chance to â€Å"gradually reform the Qing court†. Respected as the â€Å"Father of the Nation† in China, Sun Yat-sen showed his sympathy to Taiping rebellion and anti-Manchu hatred when he was very young-â€Å"while studying in Canton and Hong Kong, he is said to have admired Hong Xiuquan [Hung Hsiuchuan]† (Schiffrin, p 445). Different with Kang, Sun Yat-sen was not just a scholar who learned from books, he was fluent in English, and he had studied in many western countries. Being anti-Manchu, Sun realized that he needed assistance from foreigners â€Å"that no major political change could be carried out in China without the active assistance or friendly neutrality of foreigners† (Schiffrin, p447), therefore he went to Britain and Japan for assistance. Again and again, Sun showed his capability to â€Å"impress individual foreigners† (Schiffrin, p450). To British, he showed his â€Å"Christian affiliation† but in Japan, he appeared to be Asian and asked for help in â€Å"wiping away the humiliation of Asian yellow race† (Schiffrin, p452). Not only did Sun’s speech touch many foreigners’ hearts, also his image as a â€Å"Western-educated and Christian leader[s] of the Society to Restore China’s prosperity† also led foreigners to believe that they could benefit more from Sun in commercial trade, compared to Qing court which was trying to â€Å"reduce China’s reliance on foreign imports† (Hon, p93). All together, Sun successfully built up a positive relationship with foreigners, which brought him to the forefront of the anti-Manchu revolutionary movement-â€Å"Why was Sun chosen leader? †¦ one of the crucial factors was the overriding concern with the foreign threat and Sun’s purported ability to neutralize it.† (Schiffrin, p462). Sun’s success undoubtedly came from his personal charm, excellent lectures and his accurate analysis to complicated situations. At that time in China, foreigners were too influential to be neglected. Sun’s decision to develop a positive relationship with foreigners was definitely one of the key reasons why he succeeded to crash the Qing court and ended the â€Å"emperor system† existing in China for more than 2000 years. Unfortunately too much dependence on foreigners might also be the reason why he eventually failed to found a Republic China. From Zeng Guofan, Kang Youwei, Zhang Zhidong, to Sun Yat-sen, they all contributed to some degree to the modern Chinese revolution. However, as we may see from examples above, their success and failure were determined by the circumstances that existed where they were. I am not trying to argue that their individual beliefs were not influential in their decision making. On the contrary, the more we analyze how and why they made the decisions they did, the more we can see they did not have that many options. Inevitable as the outcome of the decisions were, I still appreciate the fact that they brought their personality into the decision making process, a truth without which they would not be known by us today. The Search for Modern China 2nd Edition, Spence Jonathan, New York, 1999 Howard, Richard Japans Role in the Reform Program of Kang Yu-wei Hon, Tze-ki, â€Å"Zhang Zhidong’s Proposal for Reform: A New Reading of the Quanxue pian Schiffrin, Harold Z., â€Å"The Enigma of Sun Yat-sen,† in China in Revolution: The First Phase, 1900-1913, ed. by Mary C. Wright Research Papers on Chinese Dynasty's Over Time - History EssayDefinition of Export QuotasWhere Wild and West MeetAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2Bringing Democracy to Africa19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeTwilight of the UAWOpen Architechture a white paperAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaPETSTEL analysis of India

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Essays on How Martin Luther King Was Influenced By Plato

, the law is right but done in the wrong way. For instances Martin Luther King was arrested for parading with out a permit. Martin Luther King talks so much about unjust and just laws in Letter from Birmingham Jail, it i... Free Essays on How Martin Luther King Was Influenced By Plato Free Essays on How Martin Luther King Was Influenced By Plato Finding something or someone that influences you is hard. But in Martin Luther King case, it seemed a breeze. Martin Luther King’s â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† was influenced by Plato’s â€Å"The Myth of the Cave† in so many ways. Plato talks about living in an underground den, chained against the walls, couldn’t do anything about it. Some being there since childhood. Letter From Birmingham Jail basically the same aspect, it talks about being arrested and thrown in jail for something they believed in, especially Dr. Martin Luther King. He was arrested for believing in non-segregation, freedom of speech, and blacks/whites having the same rights. Like Plato, Martin Luther King talks about using your knowledge as good or evil. But in King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail, people were using what they knew in an evil way. They thought since they had more rights, they could do what ever they wanted, to whom ever they wanted to. Dr. King was fighting for that, he thought there were creative injustice laws. He states in Letter from Birmingham Jail that: â€Å"There are just and unjust laws, a unjust law is a code that a majority inflicts on a minority that is not binding on itself. This is difference made legal, but a just law is a code that a majority compels on a minority to follow that is willingto follow itself. This is sameness made legal.†(Pg. 113) Dr. King goes on give more examples of just and unjust laws. When he states that â€Å"unjust is a code inflicted upon minority which the minority had no part in enacting or creating because they did not have the right to vote†(pg. 113). There are some instances when a law is just on it’s face, but unjust in it’s application; in other words, the law is right but done in the wrong way. For instances Martin Luther King was arrested for parading with out a permit. Martin Luther King talks so much about unjust and just laws in Letter from Birmingham Jail, it i...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Factors That Had a Impact on Eurocopters Capability to Continuously Essay

Factors That Had a Impact on Eurocopters Capability to Continuously Innovate - Essay Example This paper illustrates that Eurocopter has an enabling environment which allows the employees to raise innovative ideas in their operations and this plays a significant role as far as motivation is concerned since it promotes the creation of a sense of belonging to the organization among them.Eurocopter is also committed to continuous product development which puts it in a better position to continuously grow throw innovation. About 10 % of its annual sales are committed to its effort on its R&D’s resources. The organization’s structure has also positively contributed to its success given that there is a close link among all the stages involved in manufacturing and the culture promotes a cordial relationship among the employees. Another internal factor that has led to the organization’s capability to be continuously innovative is the re-engineering strategy of major business processes through changing from vertical to the horizontal structure. The horizontal stru cture of the organization promotes innovative ideas whereby sharing of ideas and knowledge among the employees is promoted. A good example can be drawn from the realignment of the blade repair processes. Communication forms a pivotal role in the organization’s ability to promote and harness innovative ideas among its employees. The channels of communication are open and cross-functional teams can communicate effectively which is one major contributor to its innovative capabilities. Different ideas come from individuals and they can be transformed into new knowledge which is the essence of innovation through communication. There is also a close communication channel between the customer support team, the design and quality teams and this helps create mutual understanding among them. Eurocopter uses different HR management functions to promote innovation among its employees and these include job rotation and performance appraisals, learning as well as good management skills. Em ployees are motivated by these factors and they are proud to identify with the organization which gives them the autonomy to use their minds to continuously suggest ideas that can make their workplace a better place to be every day.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Final exam Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Final exam Questions - Essay Example -Training and development of human resource: The analysis is used to examine the employees’ needs in training and development of processes. The variation between the actual and expected output influences the degree of training required by employees. It also enables in determination of training tools content, and equipment to be used in training and those training methods to be put to use. -Employee compensation management: job analysis plays a key role in determining payment packages, benefits, variable and fixed incentives and extra perks of employees.   These payments depend on the  responsibilities and duties, position and job titles involved in specific jobs.   Job design: The key purpose of analysis is development   in human recourse efforts and releasing the best output. It assists in designing, enriching, redesigning and adding or cutting back extra duties and responsibilities in a specific job. This ensures employee satisfaction  as well as increased human output In lateral career path, employees move to equivalent duties and responsibilities in an organization. This move is usually with a similar job title and salary range at a similar level. In this career path, the employee’s job responsibilities change hence affording the employees new chances. The company should notify all the interested and qualified workers through internal memos. The notification should include job title, description and relevant qualifications for each. It should also notify employees the method of applications, deadline of application and the dates of interviews. All the application letters should be checked and sorted. The application letters that meet the criteria of selection should be listed and applicants notified. The applicants who did not meet the criteria for selection should be notified politely. It eliminates those candidates that fail to qualify as per the criteria set by the organization. The candidate is

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Global Staffing Systems Essay Example for Free

Global Staffing Systems Essay In the article Designing and Implementing Global Staffing Systems: Part I Leaders in Global Staffing, Wiechmann, Ryan, and Hemingway propose several components of global staffing systems and also provide us with similarities and differences among the global staffing situations at several MNC’s. They analyze six multinationals—Agilent Technologies, Dow Chemical, IBM, Motorola, Proctor and Gamble, and Shell Oil. One thing common to nearly all the companies is the use of recruitment software. Additionally, an interview is an integral part of the hiring process. Other companies use tests as a measure of employee aptitude and one company even uses a training program to train candidates for the interview. What makes these successful is the global nature of both recruitment and hiring. Agilent uses universal questions that are asked of all candidates as part of the pre-screening process. They also post jobs internally at the same time as posting externally. If two candidates present with the same qualifications, and one is internal, and the other external, then the internal candidate is hired. Dow Chemical uses a model that provides training for the applicants. Additionally, like Agilent, Dow uses an internal hiring practice that allows employees from all but the highest management to self-nominate for jobs within the company. Dow also uses a standardized testing procedure that requires that the test administrators receive testing prior to administering the test. IBM uses an aptitude test to select entry level technical applicants. The test is multi-lingual, and a testing guide is created to help interpret the test results. Motorola also uses a standardized testing procedure that has been validated over 11 countries and five years. Proctor and Gamble uses a scorable application, but then also utilize an English proficiency test. Shell Oil uses an English-only approach to testing, as they use English in all their business dealings. As noted, most of these companies do utilize an interview strategy in their hiring practices. There are similarities that have been noted in the practices of the companies in their hiring practices. The use of assessment tools and interviews in hiring is common to all the companies. In terms of differences, the use of English-only tests as indicated by Shell Oil show that some companies are interested in maintaining a global language for business. Others give their assessments in the native language. Additionally, the use of employee recruitment software is sporadic, but used within the constraints of the company. What can be learned from this? We can learn that MNC’s learn about employees not just through the traditional face to face interview, but through assessment tools that are objective and adjusted for the cultural norms of the society in which they are administered. We can also learn that companies exhibit due diligence when they hire, and to that end they tend to get a better quality of hire and that improves the overall efficacy of the company.

Friday, November 15, 2019

We Need Hate Crime Legislation Essay -- racism, prejudice

Hate crime is one of the biggest issues many people face today. Whether or not they should be legislated against has been highly debated and continues to be a hot topic. This essay will explain the ideas and opinions of several authors including Charley Reese, Michael Lieberman, Helen Dodge, Gregory S. Parks, Shayne E. Jones and Samuel Francis. It will also elaborate on the topic of why hate crimes should be legislated against, with supporting information. The phrase â€Å"hate crime† is generally referred to as a criminal act against a person, a group, or property because of one’s race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation (Civil Rights- Hate Crimes- Overview). A person who experiences a hate crime may be threatened, harassed, physically harmed, or even killed. In order to ensure protection, laws have been established by society against those who commit hate crimes. There is a lot of debate among the general public about laws that should not punish people more harshly based on the motivation of their crime; instead, a criminal should only be punished for the crime committed. However, the motive behind a crime is often more significant than the crime itself. For example, if a black family moves into an area where the majority of the people are white and a group of white teenagers vandalize the property, they would be charged with vandalism. However, if after vandalizing the property they spray paint the word â⠂¬Å"nigger† on the garage door, they would most likely be found guilty of some sort of racial hate crime involving vandalism. While both of these actions are considered crimes, the motive behind the racial crime should be taken into consideration when the punishment is issued. One might say that the motive was ... ...on | Education Book Publishing | Academic Textbooks. Web. . â€Å"Hate Crime† Laws Change the Law (Francis 141 & 142) Keyes, Jere. "Hate Crime Legislation: An Essay | Blind Prophecy." Blind Prophecy | Jere Keys Online. 11 Feb. 2009. Web. 26 Apr. 2011. . "About Hate Crimes." Homepage. Web. 26 Apr. 2011. . "State Hate Crimes Laws." Human Rights Campaign. 1 June 2009. Web. 26 Apr. 2011. "List of Hate Crime Laws." Homepage. Web. 26 Apr. 2011. . "Declaration of Independence." National Archives and Records Administration. Web. 26 Apr. 2011. .

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Effect of Hurricane Sandy on Jamaica

The Effects of Hurricane Sandy on Jamaica FOUNDATION SKILLS FOR GRADUATE MANAGEMENT EDUCATION The Three Main Effects of Hurricane Sandy that Affected Jamaica were Rainfall Induced Flooding, Storm Surges and Winds STEPHANIE SMITH Executive Summary On October 22, 2012, it was announced by The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM,)  that a tropical depression (Sandy) was headed towards the shores of Jamaica and that the arrival to our shores would be on October 24. On the 24th Sandy approached and the effects were devastating.The winds caused several trees to plummet, taking down power lines, utility poles and homes with them. The winds blew roof tops off and destroyed several produce causing a huge devastation to the agricultural sector. The rainfall caused several homes and roads impassible and even completely flooded a number of communities. The storm surges caused shores to be evacuated as the tides were too high and strong for shore home owners to weath er the storm. .† 70% of Jamaicans were without electricity after the passage of Sandy due to down power lines, fire and blown transformers.Many roads were impassible due to trees that had fallen. â€Å"Minister of State in the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Hon. Ian Hayles, says early estimates indicate that close to 11,000 farmers across the island have been affected by Hurricane Sandy, with some 1,500 hectares of crops â€Å"totally destroyed. † (Reynolds-Baker, 2012). † He goes on to highlight the breakdown of early estimates of damages that amounted to $700 million. . Understanding the effects such as wind damage, flooding and storm surges can better help us as Jamaicans and the Jamaican government to prepare for tropical depressions, storms and hurricanes.If the government takes short and long term steps along with its current hurricane initiative, it will reduce the amount of damages by a significant amount of dollars and the Jamaican society will b e able to bounce back from another episode of hurricane much faster. Thesis Statement: The Three Main Effects of Hurricane Sandy that Affected Jamaica were Rainfall Induced Flooding, Storm Surges and Winds On October 22, 2012, it was announced by The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM,)  that a tropical depression (Sandy) was headed towards the shores of Jamaica and that the arrival to our shores would be on October 24.Within a couple of hours Sandy had been upgraded to a tropical storm and Jamaica was put on tropical storm watch. This advisory was then upgraded on the 23rd to a tropical storm warning as a hurricane watch was issued. Jamaica was again upgraded from hurricane watch to warning sometime during the day on the 23rd, because as soon as Sandy touched landfall she will manifest into a hurricane. Wednesday approached and with it Sandy. The effects were devastating. The winds caused several trees to plummet, taking down power lines, utility pole s and homes with them.The winds blew roof tops off and destroyed several produce causing a huge devastation to the agricultural sector. The rainfall caused several homes and roads impassible and even completely flooded a number of communities. The storm surges caused shores to be evacuated as the tides were too high and strong for shore home owners to weather the storm. Classifications of Tropical Weather There are three main classifications of tropical weather activity: tropical depression, tropical storm and hurricane. The first official stage of a tropical classification is a tropical depression.AccuWeather explains that â€Å"a tropical depression forms when a low pressure area is accompanied by thunderstorms that produce a circular  flow with maximum sustained winds below 39 mph. Most tropical depressions have maximum sustained winds between 25 and 35 mph. † The second stage is the tropical storm which is an upgrade to the tropical depression where the cyclonic circula tions become more organized and has winds between 38 and 76 mph. â€Å"Tropical storm status is when the naming of the storm takes place.A tropical storm is then upgraded into Category 1 hurricane status as maximum sustained winds increase to between 74 mph and 95 mph (AccuWeather, 2010). † The main feature of a hurricane is wind. Tropical depressions and storms will have a lot of rainfall and calm winds, but once the winds pick up intensity it will quickly be classified into a hurricane. This is why the measure of hurricanes is done by its wind intensity. There are 5 ratings measured by The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale which is used to rate hurricane intensity in the Atlantic Basin.SAFFIR-SIMPSON SCALE| CATEGORY| WIND| DAMAGE POTENTIAL| 5| * 156| Catastrophic| 4| 131 – 155| Extreme| 3| 111 – 130| Extensive| 2| 96 – 110| Moderate| 1| 74 – 95| Minimal| Table 1: Saffir-Simpson Scale Within these 3 classifications, watches and warnings are issued. à ¢â‚¬Å"A watch lets you know that weather conditions are favorable for a hazard to occur while a warning requires immediate action (National Hurricane Center, n. d. ). † A tropical storm or hurricane watch occur when those conditions (mentioned above) are possible/likely to occur in that specified area.While, the tropical storm of hurricane warning take place when those conditions are expected to occur. Effects of Sandy â€Å"Wind is responsible for much of the structural damage caused by hurricanes. High winds, uproot trees and tear down power lines. The maximum winds from fast moving and powerful storms may remain high, even when the storm is well inland (The Weather Channel, n. d. ). † The aftermath of Sandy in Jamaica was the epitome of wind damage. â€Å"With storm force winds of up to 80miles per hour, Sandy left a trail of mainly wind damage in the central and eastern parishes (Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency, 2012). 70% of Jamaicans were without e lectricity after the passage of Sandy due to down power lines, fire and blown transformers. Many roads were impassible due to trees that had fallen. A huge sector that was affected by winds was the agricultural sector. â€Å"Minister of State in the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Hon. Ian Hayles, says early estimates indicate that close to 11,000 farmers across the island have been affected by Hurricane Sandy, with some 1,500 hectares of crops â€Å"totally destroyed. † (Reynolds-Baker, 2012). The news article goes on to highlight the breakdown of early estimates of damages that amounted to $700 million. â€Å"Mr. Hayles explained that the total figure will be much more, when assessments for the parishes St. Thomas, Portland, St. Ann and Clarendon are completed (Reynolds-Baker, 2012). â€Å"The heavy rains associated with a tropical weather system are responsible not only for major flooding in areas where the storm initially strikes, but also can affect areas hundr eds of miles from where the storm originally made landfall (The Weather Channel, n. . ). † There was flooding in some communities following the passage of Sandy. Low lying areas in the St. Mary and Portland and St Ann’s suffered flooding. One community was totally marooned by floods. (Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency, 2012). † The rainfall is a huge factor in damage done to roads. â€Å"The estimate of the damage done to roads and other infrastructure by those rains is just under $1. 1 billion. (OPM Communications Unit, 2012)†. This could be attributed to the poor construction and maintenance or roads and drainage systems.Homes that were built on gully banks were at high risk from flooding and wind. â€Å"Storm surge is a rapid rise in the level of water that moves onto land as the  eye  of the storm makes landfall. Once the edge of the storm reaches the shallow waters of the continental shelf, water piles up. Winds of hurricane strength force the water onto shore. (The Weather Channel, n. d. ). † The Jamaican government ordered the evacuation of coast as they knew that Sandy came with it storm surges that would be a devastating factor to home owners and fishermen on the coastlines.Conclusion and Recommendation Since Jamaica is in a tropical zone where we are prone to a numerous amount of Hurricanes, we need to understand the effects and risks. Understanding the effects such as wind damage, flooding and storm surges can better help us as Jamaicans and the Jamaican government to prepare for tropical depressions, storms and hurricanes. Understanding the type of weather system prepares us even further; whether depression or storm prepare for more flooding than wind damage and hurricane more wind damage than flooding.The government needs to put policies and proper processes in place on a long term basis to prepare for hurricanes. The government needs to review building codes such as living in flood prone areas and living on gully sides. They also need to urge persons pursuing construction as well as the National Works Agency (NWA) to properly fix and pave the Jamaican roads. It makes no sense for roads to be fixed one month in advance of a hurricane and during a hurricane the roads get a washed away. The government also needs to put and maintain proper drainage systems.The needs to place a sufficient amount drains to handle the water build up as well as when roads are paved over the relevant companies close the drains that were once in place. On a more short term basis, the government needs to trim trees or urge citizens to trim trees that are close and over hanging utility lines. This will lessen the number of fallen poles and lines rapidly. If the government takes these steps along with its current hurricane initiative, it will reduce the amount of damages by a significant amount of dollars and the Jamaican society will be able to bounce back from another episode of hurricane much faster.R eferences AccuWeather. (2010, July 22). What's the Difference Between a Tropical Depression, Tropical Storm and Hurricane. Retrieved November 6, 2012, from AccuWeather. com: http://www. accuweather. com/en/weather-news/whats-the-difference-between-a/34388 Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency. (2012, October 28). CDEMA Situation Report #3 – Hurricane Sandy. Retrieved November 6, 2012, from reliefweb: http://reliefweb. int/report/jamaica/cdema-situation-report-3-hurricane-sandy Irie FM. (2012, October 23).Education Ministry orders all schools closed tomorrow. Retrieved November 6, 2012, from IrieFM. net: http://www. iriefm. net/news/headline/education-ministry-orders-all-schools-closed-tomorrow Jamaica Observer. (2012, October 23). Early Closure of Tax Offices. Retrieved Novermber 6, 2012, from The Jamaica Observer: http://www. jamaicaobserver. com/news/Early-closure-for-Tax-Offices Live Jamaica. (2012, October 23). Education Ministry Orders Schools Closed Tomorrow. R etrieved November 6, 2012, from Live Jamaica Updates:

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Global warming and immigration Essay

Climate change is the long term alteration of global weather patterns particularly temperature and storm activity which occur as a result of the greenhouse effect. With scholars predicting deterioration in global environmental conditions in the 21st century, we must focus our attention on the implications this situation will have particularly to human population and settlement. The resulting displacement has led to a rise in â€Å"environmental refugees† as more communities leave their homes in search of alternative sources of livelihood. (Ketel, 2004, p. 2) Immigration due to Global warming A study by the United Nations reveals that human migration caused by global warming is expected to surpass all previous displacements. The effects of flooding, desertification and environmental pollution are partly or wholly credited to global warming (Ketel, 2004, p. 15). In countries such as Zimbabwe and Bangladesh which experience perennial flooding, community based and non-governmental organizations are collaborating with the local communities to raise awareness on disaster preparedness and disaster management practices. The Zimbabwe Case study Most of north and eastern Zimbabwe has been demarcated as flood prone areas, particularly the districts of Mzarabani and Guruve located within the low lying Zambezi basin. Initially, these areas were sparsely populated due to adverse environmental conditions that rendered them uninhabitable. However after realizing that the area had a high economic potential, the government opened it up for agricultural exploitation and settlement a condition that has exposed its inhabitants to floods and mudslides. Successful undertakings Since 2008, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has participated in relief efforts to provide assistance to families in these areas such as providing blankets, tarpaulins, mosquito nets and water purifying tablets as well as coordinating information on the number of displaced people and where they have been resettled. Community based projects have been initiated aimed at empowering the local community with the skills to withstand flooding thereby mitigating its effects. Structural measures were aimed at constructing dams and channels to control run-off during the rainy season while non-structural measures focused on resettlement, forecasting and setting aside areas to settle the displaced. (Madamombe, 2005, p. 18) In early 2007, such efforts bore fruit as hundreds of families were safely evacuated into Arda Estates of Mzarabani District following devastating floods that swept away over 600 homesteads in Chadereka Village. The displaced families were then allocated small plots within the Estates for subsistence farming while the remainder had to rely on handouts from NGOs such as Catholic Development Commission (CADEC) and IOM. Assistance required in undertaking program These projects required some level of assistance in the form of multi-sectoral meetings on flood management, funding, campaigns and governmental legislation on disaster management. The Zimbabwe government introduced the Civil Protection Act, the Water Act (1998) and the Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Management Act each aimed at addressing an action plan of action for disaster management/mitigation. Zimbabwe is also a member of the Zambezi Action Program (ZACPRO), an initiative which aims to integrate all countries lying within the Zambezi basin to utilize it as a shared resource. However, each country follows its own policy on managing its portion of the Zambezi basin. (Madamombe, 2004, p. 3) Shortcomings The Zimbabwe government faced a variety of hurdles in its resettlement efforts; inadequate funding, disease, resistance from local families and logistical barriers. The government’s expenditure on disaster management is quite minimal and hence in a major catastrophe, private sector and international community would have to be approached for assistance. (Madamombe, 2005, p. 20) Since resettlement is a recurrent process, most displaced families returned to their homes preferring to risk another flood than surrender their dignity and independence by living in resettlement camps. Conflicts due to poor vetting of displaced persons led to undeserving cases receiving handouts while the genuine cases remained in despair and uncertainty. Greater effort is therefore required in undertaking civic education to curtail the humanitarian situation from spiraling out of control. References Ketel, H. (2004). Global Warming and Human Migration: Climate Change, Human Systems and Policy. Oxford, UK: Eolss Publishers. Madamombe, E. (2004) Zimbabwe: Flood Management Practices – Selected Flood prone areas Zambezi Basin. Switzerland: World Meteorological Organization/Global Water Partnership. Madamombe, E. (2005). Associated Programme on Flood Management: Overview Situation Paper on Flood Management Practices. Switzerland: World Meteorological Organization/Global Water Partnership.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Scot Joplin

Scot Joplin Scot Joplin The historical contributions of african american are an an big part os our culture of our nation .From business to science education and entertainment.American benifited from the african americans.The people who did all of this should be reconized equal to the white man in schools and work places not only set aside for one of the shortest days of the year.[Febuary] Born in Texarkana ,Texas in 1868 scot responsible for introducing "ragtime dance" to the world. Ragtime is variation on classical music. Joplins music did not recieve sucess antil 1970 over 50 years after he died it was used in the movie "STING".Scot was not reconized the time he was living because he was not allowed to perform his music seriously on a real stage performance. He wrote many song ragtime dance and guest of honor. In 1907 he wrote an opera called tremonisha about an non violent girl who recently freed slaves.English: The Ragtime Dance, 1902 Franà §ais : The R...After many years of trying to produ ce this play he died in a state hospital in 1917. He was buried in paupers grave in New York City. He was also awared a special posthumous pulitzer on 1976 after his death. TO end this by saying he was the king of "RAGTIME"

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

15 Hilarious Things People Have Put on Their Resume

15 Hilarious Things People Have Put on Their Resume Here at TheJobNetwork, we have scoured every nook and cranny  of the internet and have compiled a list of epic proportions. Here are the top 15 most hilarious  things people have put on their resume. Most people take their resumes seriously, but not these guys. First thing first, if you are serious about making a great resume, make sure to download our resume samples for your specific job title.1.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"None of my references really like me, so please don’t believe what they say.†2.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"I came up with the idea for Windows.†3. â€Å"I’ll introduce you to my wife if you hire me.†4. â€Å"I am proficient in Internet Explorer, Firefox, and all related search engines.†5.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"I’m a level 90 Shamanistic natural healer.†6.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"I quit  being a  porn actor and took a job at a gas station. They fired me because of ‘job performance issues.’ Right before the tank was full I’d pull the nozzle ou t and spray gas all over the car’s headlights.†7.   Werk Xperince: â€Å"i werked at da keyfuuud az da best bhag boiii†8.   Leadership Skills: â€Å"World of Warcraft Guild Leader9.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Have you ever been convicted of a felony? If yes, please explain.†Ã‚  Answer:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Yes. Arson.  He deserved it. Will discuss in interview.†10. â€Å"List your most notable accomplishments.† Answer: â€Å"I learned how to store crumbs in the flaps of my fat for safe-keeping.†11. Skills: â€Å"I’m a BOSS at working.†12. Talents: â€Å"I am adored by my entire village. All of the villagers want me to marry their daughters.†13. Special skills: â€Å"I have destroyed the president of Nicaragua in tennis.†14. Languages: â€Å"I can speak Klingon.†15.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"This isn’t my real contact information. I need to conceal my identity because I am being followed. If you need to contact me, flip a coin into the sunlight and look north. I will be there.†If you don’t want to end up looking like anyone above, make sure to go over to our resume library to download a resume template for your desired job title.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Does it matter whether or not firms pay dividends Essay

Does it matter whether or not firms pay dividends - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that one of the essential parts of a company investment return is a dividend. Being paid on an annual or quarterly basis, a majority of companies pay dividends to the shareholders while others retain their entire profit and reinvest. Even though reinvesting back the profit is vital for the future expansion of the company, it significantly matters whether firms pay dividends. Based on the importance of shareholders in the capital growth of any company, it is fundamental for the management to rewards the shareholders by giving them a portion of the company profits so that they can use it for their own investment or education of their children among other personal use. A company that regularly pays dividends to its shareholders indicates fundamentals. In the 1930s before firms were under legal obligation to pay a dividend, their financial health was indicated by their ability to pay a dividend. Notwithstanding the laws and legislation such as the securities and exchange act of 1934 that brought about a significant level of transparency in the financial management of firms, dividends are still a notable yardstick of the company performance. Â  Mature companies pay dividends and still retain more profits for reinvesting. A good example of a company that has benefited from giving its shareholders dividends is Microsoft. During the early years of the company operations, the company did not pay dividends but it reinvested a significant portion of its profit for future growth.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Barclays Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Barclays - Essay Example Any partner can go out through a defined process and even a new partner can be admitted to an existing partnership. Partners are fully liable for any debt due in the name of the firm. A company is a legal entity having the status of an individual. This means that a company can sue and can be sued on its own name. A â€Å"private limited company† is for small business setup but the entrepreneur may offer some of the shares to the investors in return for capital, while retaining the major shareholding. Only a â€Å"public limited company† can offer its shares to general public through stock exchange. A well-designed business plan focuses on various factors including budgets. It figures out all the expected costs and revenues that are expected to be incurred and generated respectively. All the planning about how the business is to be carried out, how the sales are to be made and how the funds are to be raised to meet up the expected costs, all are laid down in that plan sheet. While making budget, Tim ONeill must have kept in mind that how much money is needed and for what purposes. Assumptions should also be considered for some variable factors like interest rates, volume of sales and cost of goods. Cash flow is another important factor to be considered so that one can foresee if the business’ income will cover its expenditure. It is very rare that a business starts earning profit from its maiden year only. Difficulties do arise to establish a business and goodwill. Any business that needs to be set up requires a large amount of finance to arrange premises, equipments, stock and other essential items. After bringing in the capital by the owners, partners or shareholders, the owners of the business seek different sources to obtain finance to meet their day-to-day expenses and payment of bills. Some sources are given below: This service enables the account holder to go beyond its available funds up to a certain

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Mod Reflection Journals 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Mod Reflection Journals 5 - Essay Example However, businesses owner is torn between pursuing prosperity for the mutual benefit of the client and the business or the enterprise alone. The conversation revealed the moral justice discussion that should be geared towards the greater good of people. According to Mackey and Sisodia, the noble objective of a business is to pursue prosperity far from the common ideology that businesses and corporations are founded on selfish to generate profit (2). The ethics that surround business operations are not the only components that sustained our conversation. The discussion of morality also reminded me of moral worth of human beings in the businesses world. Mackey and Sisodia discuss old capitalism ideologies that suppressed people by pursuing personal interests that should not feature in the current economy. The moral worth of people rests in the fulfillment of desires and needs of other people. Businesses operations should be conducted on ideologies that do not encourage self-interests at the expense of the larger community. Mum asserted that morality is anchored on the powerful human motivations that should be respected in any social or economic endeavor. The conversation went on to highlight the need to pursue prudence and the greater good of people because that is what morality and ethics

Monday, October 28, 2019

Essay and Research Paper Essay Example for Free

Essay and Research Paper Essay Some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. There is a true saying that everyone knows: playing sports is very good for our health. Playing sport helps us stay in shape, builds up our teamwork skill, and makes us consistent players. But there is a truth that not many people can realize: spending too much time on sports may cause some bad influences. Especially when it comes to young children. They need a balanced schedule so that they can take advantage and avoid some disadvantages of playing sports First, playing sports is necessary for everyone to reserve good health. It is proven by scientists that doing exercises or playing sports regularly helps people stay in a good shape, and helps avoid some health problems such as heart attack or blood pressure. For those reasons, young children should spend time in playing sport everyday. But if they spend too much time on that, they will not have enough time to participate in many other interesting and useful activities, such as going on a picnic with their friends or learning to play musical instruments†¦Even worse, they may not spend enough time on study. Second, playing sports helps young children develop their team-work skill. Usually when playing sport, they will be allocated into teams. By trying to connect with other team members to win to the game, they will learn how to get along with people, how to understand other people’s ideas, and how to coordinate with the others to get the best result, not only in sports, but also in study or in a working environment. But still, if they spend too much time on playing sports, there will be a disadvantage for young children, since they spend too much time hanging on with the others in a team, will not know how to handle problems alone, resulting in performing badly when working independently. Lastly, playing sports helps children learn how to stand up after failing, making them competitive in any tournament. It is definite that everyone will fail at least once when they play sport. The desire of being the winner urges them to try more and more. The more they try, the better.they become, but once they are so involved in the game, they somehow become so aggressive. Some will try anything to win, and some will even play unfairly to be the winner. The stories about the soccer players using drugs or the players fighting in a game are clear evidences to the disadvantage of playing sport when it is not under control.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Attributes That Have Influence Essay -- essays research papers

Attributes That Have Influenced Western Civilization There have been major influences from ancient civilizations that have helped the development of our Western Civilization today. Two major civilizations that have maybe contributed the most to our civilization are ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Some of their contributions to our world today include farming, sailing and navigation, and the use of their calendar. First, and possibly the most important attribute that have come from the ancient civilizations is the art of farming. The ancient Mesopotamians are credited with inventing farming. Farming is in our civilization today is crucial for the survival of all mankind. (Roberts, p.48-50) Due to overpopulation, and the increase of housing and development, there are no natural areas for people to gather, so farming is essential. Without the development of farming people of the United States and people of the world would be starving. Not only did the Mesopotamians develop farming, but they also were able to use engineering to help make farming work. For example, the Mesopotamians developed dikes and cisterns that they used for irrigation. Irrigation is still a significant part in farming today. (Roberts, p.48-50) Another attribute that has influenced the development of Western Civilizations, is that of sailing and navigation. (Roberts, p.65) The people of Egypt taught themselves and others that followed how to build boats and sail. The Egyptians also developed a system of na...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Technology Impact on Family Time

The impact of technology on family time Nowadays technology is a part of our real life because most people have the same need that is the convenience. Although technology can provide and serve many functions and applications that support the human need but it also has an impact to our real life as well. The impact of Technology to our real life is time on family. Three technologies that have impact to family are computer, Mobile Phone, and Tablet. The static of tablet sales in U. S. on year 2011 from NPD Group they said â€Å"U. S. Tablet Sales excluding Apple Exceed 1. Million Units in First Months of 2011†,1 this is in one country, that mean tablet is a new technology which every people attend. Tablet is a device that suitable for individual person because it easy to take and easy for do a business, but if you use it in your family. You will concentrate only your tablet not attends to member in your family. The effect of this situation will decrease time and relationship on family. Therefore, if you are in the family you must use that device to make your family enjoy together or don’t use its.However, most of family still attend to tablet by doesn’t think about impacted on family time and relationship. On the other hand technology still has another device that can makes family time increasingly. Causes of computer applications are positive affected on family time. From past to present, there are many types of computer such as â€Å"Super Computer†, â€Å"Computer PC†, and â€Å"Computer Notebook†. Computer has an evolution of itself as you can see a new generation of computer has smaller size than the old computer. Even though new computer has smaller size, but functions and applications of it’s not small like size.It can do and serve many things by using functions and applications such as do transaction online, Facebook, E-mail, learning, or playing game. Due to this example, the article of Washington State Un iversity, Vancouver examines the perceived effect of computers on family time and relationships. The result said (89% perceived that the computer impacted their family relationships, 45% mostly positive impact; 24% mixed impact and 20% mostly negative impact). 2 From this article, Computer has positive impact more than negative impact.That means applications of computer not effect on family time and relationship. Communication by using mobile phone was cause on family time. The main function of mobile phone is used for communicate between 2 people. Because of mobile phone used for communicate and also support many functions like computer to make communicate easily. Things that new generation mobile phone can do more than old generation mobile phone is communicated by typing and video calling. This function is appropriate very much for communicate, so in part of family.Mobile phone was caused to makes family more talking, even though they can’t see or meet together in the hous e. To sum up, technology was caused on family time very much, because it has an advantage and disadvantage inside itself. it has an evolution all the time in term of components or applications. Therefore every family should learn and select the advantage of each technology such as use computer and tablet for learning more than playing game, or use mobile phone for participate and communicate in family more than chat to friend.If your family can do like the example your family will gain more time and reduce impact on family. ————————————————————————————————————————————– Reference 1 U. S. Tablet Sales excluding Apple Exceed 1. 2 Million Units in First Months of 2011: <http s://www. npd. com/wps/portal/npd/us/news/pressreleases/pr_111122b> 2Jane D. Lanigan, Washington State University, Vancouver <http://familyscienceassociation. org/archived%20journal%20articles/FSR_vol14_2008/2Jane_Lanigan. pdf>

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Introduction to Early Childhood Education Essay

This essay will discuss the importance of partnership with parents/whanau, providing responsive relationships and interactions with children and biculturalism on society. Research shows that children who attend an early childhood centre providing care of high quality succeeded more at school, stayed at school longer and kept achieving more in their early adult years. They grew up with a sense of belonging within their community and society and had the skills needed to take control of their own lives (Beaver, Brewster, Jones, Keene, Neaum, & Tallach, 2001). 1. Early childhood centres play an important role in helping families function effectively. They combine their role of supporting families while encouraging children’s development in partnership with parents. Each child, each family is unique. In an early childhood centre each one of the children is unique as well as their family. Research shows us that those parents, through parental involvement early on in a child’s education that they are more likely to maintain this through all their educational years (Beaver et al. , 2001). Effective communication is one of the most important principles when forming partnerships with parents. Parents are the most knowledgeable when it comes to their child and if they feel they can share this with staff of the early childhood centre the child will benefit from this (Beaver et al. , 2001). Throughout our lives we know it is hard to part from people we love and some parents find it hard to leave their child in a centre. We therefore need to be sensitive to this issue and work in partnership with parents and help them to build on what they want for their child. Arthur, Beecher, Death, Dockett & Farmer (2001) state that â€Å"Early childhood educators should recognise that every setting is a source of learning for young children, with the home acknowledged as a particularly powerful influence† (p. 11). 2. Children need to experience reciprocal and responsive relationships to develop and learn. Infants are very dependent and require emotional security to develop an attachment with another person other than their parent(s). A quality learning environment is one where teachers respect each child individually, and are positive, warm, supporting and encourage good self confidence, and initiate meaningful interactions with children. It is essential to create an environment where each child feels appreciated and valued. It is through forming these important adult: child relationships that they will feel a sense of their own identity and develop positive self worth. Nurturing relationships are developed when positive interactions occur. The constant talk with infants, encouraging eye contact and being held in a calm and caring way, active listening, positive language and noticing signs/gestures are some ways that infants develop trust and form a bond with us. The Education (Early Childhood Centres) Regulations 1998 state – â€Å"Every child is given positive guidance, using praise and encouragement, and avoiding blame, harsh language, and belittling or degrading responses† (Ministry of Education [MoE] , 1998, p. 22). Early childhood teachers need to ensure care giving routines are unhurried, meaningful and a peaceful experience. Take the time to sing songs, read books, follow their interests and extend them, be interested in what they are doing, keep conversations open, enrich their language, allow them to explore and discover, play with them and alongside them and allow yourself to be another person in their lives that interact and are responsive to them. If an infant is crying and they are responded to in a calm and gentle way, treated in the reliable and respected manner they are entitled to they will build a positive image of themselves. Centre policies should reflect this. 3. It is important for all New Zealanders and people living in New Zealand to be aware of, and sensitive to the bicultural nature of New Zealand society which consists of pakehas and the indigenous people – the Maori – who were here some hundred years before the arrival of Europeans. We need to respect and understand the Treaty of Waitangi which is the formal agreement between the Maori and the British Government which gave the latter the right to establish settlement and a system of British Government subject to certain rights being assured to the Maori. A bicultural perspective promotes the value of both cultures. We as a society need to understand and respect Maori views on child development and the role of the family. In Quality in Action Te Mahi Whai Hua, Implementing the Revised Statement of Desirable Objectives and Practices in New Zealand Early Childhood Services it says teachers need â€Å"to understand how whanau values affect behaviour and influence the ability of children and adults to engage in meaningful purposeful relationships† (Ministry of Education [MoE], 1998, p. 18). We must enable Maori children and their families to be active in their community which will allow their children to learn and grow and develop a strong sense of self-worth. Te reo Maori is a living and relevant language and very significant to Maori. We need to assure Maori families that their culture, beliefs and practices are fully valued, appreciated and supported. We can learn a lot from these and implement them into the curriculum. Early childhood services play an integral part in society. They are an extension of home for children and their parents/whanau therefore we need to consider the cultural heritage of Maori and provide learning experiences for the children that reflect their culture. It is a requirement of the Education (Early Childhood Centres) Regulations 1998 that state – â€Å"Encourage children to become and remain confident in their own culture and to develop an understanding of and respect for other cultures of Aotearoa/New Zealand† (MoE, p. 21).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Emerging Business Environment in Nepal Essay Example

Emerging Business Environment in Nepal Essay Example Emerging Business Environment in Nepal Essay Emerging Business Environment in Nepal Essay Emerging Business Environment in Nepal Starting from the basic concept, wave grown up studying that Nepal Is a landlocked country. The key to this very country Is held by India and China since the antecedent times; two countries that have a firm grip on Industrialization and development from its known history. Once upon a time, they were the only ones who held the key to open up a gate of economic benefits. However, upon the beneficial regards of emerging resources, Nepal itself held its key to open up its gate to horizon further than these countries. Thus, business environment In Nepal flourished after then. Summarizing this brief history, Nepal has evolved In lots of ways In term of business. Upon the exclusion of International relations, this country has emerged Its own line of traditional business since the medieval era. During the times where industrialization had not landed upon the countrys lap, it run its own basic industries like, woodwork, pottery, Nepal paper, etc. These items still have not lost their charms. Currently these industries play a crucial role in terms of original traditional business. Besides these, many international convectional businesses have come forth. For Instance, Usury Nepal, Uncle, etc. Economic Liberations: After the formal dethroning of our former King, we all know that Nepal Is now a Democratic country. During the Monarchical era, most of the large scale industries were held by the government itself. Whether it be transportation or communication, all of the systems possession were under the Nepal government. The public transportation was under the government. The basic communicating services were also under the government. Since telephone services came only after the year 1970 B. S, before that letter services were the only means of communicating. Thinking of It now, actually letter writing was a very obligatory process of communicating; it actually made people feel that someone really remembered then. Besides that, government health services were the only ones that provided health checkup services. Even if people were not satisfied with it, they had to endure it. Nonetheless, every power was owned by the monarch government. It was only after the year, that industries that were independent of governmental power flourished Nepal Telecoms, which was the only Tale-communicating Industry (held by government) came under the competition with Mere Mobile (now Uncle). Similarly, private bus services also sprang up, with the introduction to Taxi services. People started owning their own line of public transportation services. INCREASING ROLE OF PRIVATE SECTORS: With the commencement of private sectors, the economy of the country leapt forward. Upon the vital call, people shifted their resource interest towards private sectors more. Government based industry were found to be lacking modernization. Their traditional ways of dealing with the service provision were over powered by the private sectors. Comparatively, people preferred their services rendered by the private sectors. The economic domain altered towards Private sectors; whether it be Airline, Communication Hydrophone,etc. Before, (Royal) Nepal Airlines was the only Airlines that provided airway services; (enter the private airline services) Buddha Air, Cosmic Air, Yeti air, etc. Rabbet peoples matter of Interest with quality services. Up with idea of bonus services, pre paid services, etc. More importantly, the network service provided by Mere Mobile was firmer than Nets that led to increment of Mere Mobile users comparison. PRIVATE INVESTMENT IN INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT Along with self-profit organizations, other private sectors as well came forward. With the new theme of investment for infrastructure development purpose, many projects name forward. Nevertheless, not many projects made their way to completion due to various complications. An example of success story in terms of private investment in infrastructure development is Nepal Upward Bias Company Limited (NBC) , Napalms first public limited company building a National toll Highway of Asian highway standards. It aims at bringing together and managing investments, skills, expertise and resources of the Nameplates people from within and outside the country. This Project involves a 50 km tunnel on the highway that connects Katmandu and headed with its cost estimation from RSI. 3 billion to RSI. 34 billion. Another infrastructure related private investment sector is Hydrophone. Many hydrophone station have risen up. Namely, some of them are Butyl Power company, Booth Kooks Power company Pit. Limited, etc. Latter one being the first private company to undertake hydrophone project. Emergence of multi-national companies Just like a part of development process, many multi national companies registered their place in Nepal. They emerged in the countrys context with reasonable pricing for the affordability of common citizens. Though a bit of impossibility lingered around he corner of establishment for these companies; all the same, they are now well of with customers increased interest. As a matter of fact, these companies reign over the market in comparison to local products. Some of the Multi National companies in Nepal are Hyatt Regency, Radiations ( Hotel) Aids, Nikkei, Lee Cooper, bossing, Rebook, Converse (Clothing line) Coca Cola, peps, Frost,etc. (Beverage) KEF, Lava, Pizza Hut, etc. (restaurant services) and others With the introduction to technology and scientific progression, work process has been made easier. In todays context, IT development has been highly encouraged. As an international taboo, Nepal has adopted the belief that a work that can be done in 20 days can be finished in 10 days with the help if technology enhancement. Also, development of IT has encouraged environmental security. For instance, instead of printing a letter, why not send it in e-mail kind of encouragement. Its a kind of strategy that brings out the best of internet facility. It helps to reduce the cost of organizational activity; substituting the cost of five printers for an office with Just one with equal amount of productivity. Furthermore, more IT engineers are encouraged for the provision of good platform.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Lexis Definition and Examples

Lexis Definition and Examples Lexis is a term in linguistics referring to the vocabulary of a language. Lexis is a Greek term meaning word or speech. The adjective is lexical. The study of lexis and the lexicon, or collection of words in a language, is called lexicology. The process of adding words and word patterns to the lexicon of a language is called lexicalization. In grammar, the distinction between syntax and morphology is, by tradition, lexically based. In recent decades, however,  this distinction has been disputed by research in  lexicogrammar: lexis and grammar are now generally perceived as interdependent. Examples and Observations The term lexis, from the ancient Greek for word, refers to all the words in a language, the entire vocabulary of a language... In the history of modern linguistics, since approximately the middle of the twentieth century, the treatment of lexis has evolved substantially by acknowledging to a greater degree the important and central role of words and lexicalized phrases in the mental representation of linguistic knowledge and in linguistic processing. (Joe Barcroft, Gretchen Sunderman, and Norvert Schmitt, Lexis  from The Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics, edited by  James Simpson)   Grammar and Lexis Lexis and morphology [are] listed alongside syntax and grammar because these aspects of language are inter-related...The morphemes above- the s on cats and on eats- give grammatical information: the s on cats tells us that the noun is plural, and the s on eats could suggest a plural noun, as in they had some eats. The s on eats could also be a form of the verb used in the third person- he, she, or it eats. In each case, then, the morphology of the word is strongly connected with grammar or the structural rules that govern how words and phrases relate to each other. (Angela Goddard,  Doing English Language: A Guide for Students)   [R]esearch, particularly over the last fifteen years or so, is beginning to demonstrate more and more clearly that the relationship between grammar and lexis is much closer than [we used to think]: in making sentences we may start with the grammar, but the final shape of a sentence is determined by the words which make up the sentence. Let us take a simple example. These are both likely sentences of English: I laughed.She bought it. But the following are not likely sentences of English. She put it away.She put it. The verb put is incomplete unless it is followed by both a direct object, such as it, and also an adverbial of place like here or away: I put it on the shelf.She put it. Taking three different verbs, laugh, buy and put, as starting points results in sentences which are quite different in structure...The lexis and the grammar, the words, and the sentence, proceed hand in hand. (Dave Willis, Rules, Patterns, and Words: Grammar and Lexis in English Language Teaching)

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Robert Burns Quotes

Robert Burns Quotes Recognized as one of the greatest Scottish writers of all time, Robert Burns had a great deal to say. He was born in 1759 and is perhaps the most well-known Scots language poet. However much of his poetry was also written in English, which often included the bluntest of his harsh political commentary. His English writing often included Scottish dialects. He was a charismatic pioneer of the Romantics literary movement. His most famous work is Auld Lang Syne which is sung in many countries at the stroke of Midnight on New Years Eve to help usher in the new year. Burns claims to have transcribed the folk song from an old man whod had the song passed on to him.   Political Robert Burns Quote While Europes eye is fixd on mighty things, The fate of empires and the fall of kings; While quacks of State must each produce his plan, And even children lisp the Rights of Man; Amid this mighty fuss just let me mention, The Rights of Woman merit some attention. Inspirational Quotes Dare to be honest and fear no labor. Firmness in enduring and exertion is a character I always wish to possess. I have always despised the whining yelp of complaint and cowardly resolve. His locked, lettered, braw brass collar, Shewed him the gentleman and scholar. Libertys in every blow! Let us do or die. Mans inhumanity to man makes countless thousands mourn! Nae man can tether time or tide. Nursing her wrath to keep it warm. Prudent, cautious self-control is wisdoms root. Suspense is worse than disappointment. There is no such uncertainty as a sure thing. Nature Quotes The daisys for simplicity and unaffected air. The snowdrop and primrose our woodlands adorn, and violets bathe in the wet o the morn. Companionship Quotes The wide world is all before us - but a world without a friend. To liken them to your auld- warld squad, I must needs say comparisons are odd. Afflictions sons are brothers in distress; A brother to relieve, how exquisite the bliss! Ah, gentle dames! it gars we greet, To think how mony consels sweet, How mony lengthened, sage advices, The husband frae the wife despises. And may you better reck the rede, than ever did th adviser. And there begins a lang digression about the lords o the creation.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Total Quality Management (TQM) Practices and Traditional Management Assignment

Total Quality Management (TQM) Practices and Traditional Management Practices - Assignment Example According to the research findings, the difference between Total quality management (TQM) practices and traditional management practices in relation with management systems is that in TQM, all employees of the organization play their role in improving the efficiency of the organization in order to achieve long-term success through customer satisfaction. Both management and the employees make their efforts to improve the business processes and policies. Whereas if we talk about traditional management practices, we can say that the management staff practicing tradition management is more concerned with business processes and the customer side is often ignored or given less attention. Another negative aspect regarding traditional management practices is that the management is less innovative and does not want to involve employees’ views in decision-making processes. Organizational structure refers to the way through which management of an organization use employees and department s to drive the organization towards the achievement of different goals and objectives. For any organization, such as healthcare organizations, the structure plays an important role in its success because structure clarifies roles and responsibilities of every employee. â€Å"Organizational structure provides the guidelines for the system of reporting that drives an organization†. TQM views organizational structure as one unit whereas traditional management takes it as different units putting their efforts to achieve their respective goals. TQM gives importance to collective efforts to reach organizational goals and objectives whereas traditional managers do not want to take ideas of employees in making any kind of policy and views all departments as different units of the organization. Management’s role is critical to the success of any organization. For example, in a healthcare organization, management assigns tasks to different departments based on the nature of task s and the departments make their efforts to complete those tasks. The role of management using TQM is quite different to the role of the management practicing traditional management style. â€Å"TQM takes into account all quality measures taken at all levels and involving all company employees†.

Punjabis Folk Dance Bhangra Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Punjabis Folk Dance Bhangra - Research Paper Example Punjab folk singers have also developed bhangra in United Kingdom. Major Punjabis’ migrations to the United Kingdom led to the spread of bhangra music, thus making it popular in Britain (Katz 33). However, it was heavily influenced by rock sounds infusion in Britain as well as the need to do away with the repetitive, simple Punjabi folk music. Furthermore, it triggered the development of Asian British youth culture which was distinctive and more self conscious. This culture revolved around experimental sense of gesture, language, desires and bodily signification in situations of tension between racist elements and British culture that had signaled alienation of minority ethnic groups. This situation fostered the need for positive culture and identity affirmation and gave way for Punjabis males in Britain to show their masculinity. Another factor that has helped in the survival of Bhangra is involvement of women in the dance in the second generation in south Asian America where women are increasingly using bhangra to define their cultural identity (Katz 33). As opposed in the past, it was purely a male dance that involved intense and strong movements. 1980s was the golden era for Bhangraheads with melody as the primary emphasis where it was played out on a harmonium, synthesizer, guitar or accordion; the composer received very many fans which exceeded those of the vocalist. The music was also independent of the used instruments (Sharma 77). This made it easy to be played by many communities’ world wide using own instruments. Further more, it gave room for the artists and other performers to use instruments of their own choice and which they were comfortable in. therefore, many people irrespective of their... The research offers a variety of ways of looking at the dance, including a consideration of the culture's history, environment, economics and worldview. Sometimes additional percussions including the tabla were used to accompany the dhol and dholki although it was less frequently used as a solo instrument. The bhangra lyric majorly cover social issues such as love, money, relationships and marriage and is always sung in Punjabi language. The lyrics are mostly tributes to the rich cultural traditions of the Punjabis especially those ones devoted to Punjabi pride, themes and Punjabi heroes. Many of the bhangra tracks are written about Udam Singh and Bhagat Singh. This paper makes a conclusion that Like Bhangra dance, ballroom dance is also popular in the whole world but it is more entertaining. It is also a dance for the elites while Bhangra is a dance for people from all social backgrounds. Similarly, it has many dance styles and techniques and also uses a variety of instruments. Ballet dance is however common in Russia and France, though it is slowly penetrating in other countries. Folk dances are performed at social events just like bhangra but are performed in dance groups. Folk dances are performed differently by different communities from various parts of the world. From the Moroccan Muslims, Indian folk, to Scottish dances, they all have their own charm and beauty. Theses dances have their own different styles that differentiate them from others.